Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Virus That Causes Hives And Swollen Ankles

Food safety: an integrated approach by the European Union to local

L'Unione Europea e la sicurezza alimentare

La globalizzazione della catena alimenta re fa emergere costantemente nuove sfide e rischi per la salute e gli interessi dei consumatori europei. Di fronte a questa situazione, l'Unione Europea has developed a food security policy aimed at maximizing the level of consumer protection in relation to food. To achieve this objective, the EU aims to ensure the safety and proper labeling of food products (including traditional products), taking into account their diversity and at the same time ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market. The EU has developed a comprehensive package of legislation on food safety, which is constantly tested and adapted to new developments. These measures are based on risk: the establishment of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which provides scientific advice indipendenti sui pericoli esistenti ed emergenti, ha apportato un contributo fondamentale in termini di sostegno alle attività svolte dalle istituzioni dell'UE a tutela dei consumatori europei in questo settore.

Il principio guida della politica dell'UE in materia di sicurezza dei prodotti alimentari consiste nell'applicazione di un approccio integrato "dal produttore al consumatore", tenendo conto di tutti i settori della catena alimentare: produzione di mangimi, aspetti fitosanitari e veterinari, benessere degli animali, produzione primaria, trasformazione, immagazzinamento e trasporto degli alimenti, vendita al dettaglio, importazione ed esportazione. Questo approccio globale e integrato, nel quale le responsabilità of food business operators and competent authorities are clearly defined, is synonymous with food policy more coherent, effective and dynamic.

... and safety of consumers.

The European Union has successfully created an internal market where goods and services move freely for the benefit of consumers. In order to allow them to buy safe products and services anywhere on specific terms and without surprises, the EU has adopted a legal framework for consumer policy. The measures legislative and other measures are aimed at promoting the interests, health and safety of consumers in the internal market, to ensure that all EU policies should take due account of their concerns and to complement national consumer policy in the Member States. On the one hand, producers are obliged to market only safe products in the case of non-EU producers, the obligation rests with the importer or their representative in the EU. No products available for consumers to present a risk of any kind, or at least nothing more than minimal risk due to the use of the product under normal or foreseeable. On the other hand, consumers themselves must keep up to date as possible on the safety of products purchased.

The EU actively promotes high standards for safety of consumers and supports consumer organizations in order to strengthen the role of their representatives in decision-making. A major goal is to make European citizens aware of their rights. Information and awareness are therefore essential activities that must be addressed in collaboration with national authorities.


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