Friday, September 24, 2010

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Un lungo weekend

Ilaria and Stephanie, 17 to 19 September

Here we are back after three days aboard the Mega Express 2 around the central Tyrrhenian Sea. In addition to our
transept Civitavecchia-Golfo Aranci, these days we wanted to take advantage Corsica Ferries to observe the hospitality of the Livorno - Golfo Aranci. The crews of the ferries in fact, have made many observations of cetaceans in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Tyrrhenian Sea during the summer, and we were curious about their stories.
Unfortunately the weather was bad and it rained often, however, we spotted a whale and a group of dolphins intent to follow the big tuna in the hunt at about the level of Bonifacio. We also saw a shark, and was passing through the picturesque Tuscan archipelago.
In the two crossings to and from Civitavecchia however, the swell has not stopped us to see two whales, two groups of dolphins close to the ship, and the "usual" bottlenose dolphins in the Gulf of Olbia.
always pleasant, but unfortunately we are approaching the end of the season ...


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