Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cooked Egg White Discharge For Three Days

Corsica Sardinia Ferries, circa 400 avvistamenti di cetacei nei primi due mesi di monitoraggio a bordo delle navi gialle

Monday, August 30, 2010 11:54 Written by Press Office Corsica Sardinia Ferries

Vado Ligure, August 30, 2010 - A booming the monitoring of cetaceans aboard ships Corsica Sardinia Ferries : 400 sightings in the months of June and July, thanks to the collaborative project involving the world of research with the coordination of ISPRA (Institute for the Protection and Environmental Research) and the participation of CIMA (International Center for Environmental Monitoring), Leviathan Academy, the University of Genoa and Pisa Sardinia and Corsica Ferries provides ferry the researchers as "viewing platforms" for the stretch of sea known as the Sanctuary of cetaceans .

2010 is a year of many, perhaps due to the long, cold winter that has created the conditions for increased food availability. A clear signal is the abundance of fin whales, but not are missed sightings of other cetaceans. Here, in more detail, the results so far recorded in the various sections:

    1. Cetacean Sanctuary, drafts of the Ligurian Sea Savona-Bastia Nice-Calvi

86 sightings of whale sightings


dolphin sightings of sperm whales

3 5 6 sightings of Cuvier's beaked whale

common dolphin sightings

There were also bottlenose dolphins, spotted, and then always inshore arrival in Corsica, Liguria or the Riviera. Even turtles, sunfish and even a manta were special meetings for researchers and yellow ship passengers.

The month of August, then opened with a record day during which, on board Sardinia Vera, is on the Nice-Calvi, despite the poor weather conditions, have been spotted as many as 20 fin whales, sperm whales and a hundred of dolphins. An unforgettable trip for all passengers who were able to admire and photograph these magnificent animals.

    1. Cetacean Sanctuary, central sections of the Tirreno-Livorno Bastia

The Tuscan-section course is organized in collaboration with the University of Pisa and is the only covering evenly throughout the year, allowing a comparison with the autumn and winter months. Not only that, along this route monitoring of cetaceans is carried out simultaneously with the monitoring of seabirds (also under the coordination of Ispra), in collaboration with NEMO LIPU and by making available comparative information useful for understanding the marine biodiversity of the area .

    1. Central Tyrrhenian, south of the eastern border of the Cetacean Sanctuary, is Civitavecchia-Golfo Aranci

This stretch of coast is monitored in collaboration with the Academy of Leviathan, non-profit entity that already conducted similar studies in this sea area twenty years ago. The historical comparison and studies conducted since 2007 continue to confirm the year in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea has become important for cetaceans, both for attendance and the variety of species. In 2010, despite adverse weather more frequently than in previous years, have so far been 112 recorded sightings including:

56 whale sightings (for a total of 77 animals)

26 sightings of striped dolphin (for more than 200 animals )

5 sightings of Cuvier's beaked whale sighting of a sperm whale

is interesting also for new born, 2 balenottera e 1 di stenella.

Un mare popolato da balene e delfini , insomma, ma su cui non può essere abbassata la guardia: l’ ecosistema marino è, infatti, minacciato da diversi fattori, a partire dall’ inquinamento . Per questo l’Ispra, in collaborazione con Corsica Sardinia Ferries, propone ai passeggeri dei questionari sui temi legati alla conservazione degli ambienti marini. I risultati dell’indagine aiuteranno a comprendere il livello medio di conoscenza sull’ambiente marino e sugli impatti a cui è sottoposto ma permetteranno anche di indagare la disponibilità individuale a modificare in parte i propri comportamenti in favore di un atteggiamento più sostenibile.

Il monitoraggio dei cetacei ha preso l’avvio nel 2007 quando l’Ispra si avvalse per la prima volta della collaborazione della flotta di Corsica Sardinia Ferries sulle tratte Livorno-Bastia e Civitavecchia–Golfo Aranci. Oggi l’area di intervento si è estesa al Mar Ligure, e il progetto si è sviluppato grazie alla partecipazione di Fondazione CIMA e Dipartimento di Biologia dell’Università di Genova, che, nel 2009, hanno fatto confluire nella ricerca i dati raccolti e gli importanti contributi acquisiti dal 2004 sui cetacei presenti nel bacino ligure.

To accomplish this ongoing monitoring, Corsica Sardinia Ferries is the ideal partner. The company, in fact, has always paid particular attention to the environment and preservation of marine wildlife, participating in studies and monitoring since 1989. Euan Lonmon, Managing Director for Italy Corsica Sardinia Ferries, recalls: "At that time were the commanders and officers to keep track of sightings of cetaceans, specifying the coordinates of the sightings and delivering the completed blocks to return from each trip. The decision to use the ferries as platforms of observation is not accidental: it is, infatti, di navi che viaggiano con regolarità per lunghi periodi di tempo, mantengono una rotta ed una velocità costanti e garantiscono sempre la stessa altezza dell’osservatore rispetto al mare. Per promuovere e contribuire a creare una coscienza collettiva rispetto agli obiettivi di salvaguardia di queste specie marine, Corsica Sardinia Ferries continuerà a supportare le attività di ricerca ”.

Ufficio Stampa Corsica Sardinia Ferries


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