Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mastrabating With Water Jet

The key principles of the European Voluntary Service (EVS)
L ' flagship initiative of the European Commission "Youth on the move" the "strategy for smart growth, sustainable and inclusive Europe 2020" is aimed at improving the performance of education systems and increase the international mobility dei giovani. Il Servizio Volontario Europeo (SVE) è un’ iniziativa promossa dall’ Unione Europea collocata in tale strategia, dedicata ai giovani che vogliono vivere una esperienza di volontariato per la propria crescita professionale e culturale. Alla base dell'azione SVE vi è in primo luogo l’idea per cui il volontariato costituisce per i giovani un mezzo efficace di istruzione e di formazione supplementare, che merita di essere valorizzato nel contesto europeo. Il ruolo finale dello SVE, in realtà, è quello  di sensibilizzare le giovani generazioni nell’aiuto e nella solidarietà verso gli altri e i più deboli, in un periodo in cui nelle nostre società è sempre più forte e diffuso a latent "selfishness" individualist. At the same time, the EVS helps to strengthen an international or European identity among young people, allowing them to acquire professional experience, or simply living in other Member States other than that of origin. 'S goal of increasing the' internationalization of young people through a volunteer experience, aims to create a multicultural society, dynamic and integral to the 'other' in which employment mobility and European citizenship may be its hinges.
EVS provides young people for an 'opportunity to exchange knowledge, learning and educational trips, enriching cultural, linguistic and human and especially enhances awareness of a 'united Europe, multilingual and multicultural.

Useful information on the EVS EVS
activities are aimed at young people between 18 and 30 years for a period ranging between 6 and 12 months and the countries participating in the EVS are the 27 Member States of the Union 's ( Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia , Spain, Sweden, Hungary). Just
have between 18 and 30 years and be legally resident in one of the EU countries, nationality, educational level and social origin have apparently of no importance. The only condition is to be at the service of a local project. It should be noted that EVS is not a substitute for military service or alternative civilian service systems mandatory in some countries or states. It is organized on an entirely voluntary, depending on the motivations of the young participants, in addition to paid employment can not replace, existing or potential.
EVS activities may relate to the field of art and culture, support the most vulnerable groups (children, young or elderly) or cover the sport and leisure, civil protection or environmental protection and cultural heritage.
The EVS can be directed to the following: contribution to the creation of support services for the elderly, sick or disabled, creating a shelter for the homeless, the establishment of a canteen for the poor, the organization of a multi-purpose youth center in a suburb, for information activities, recreation or cultural expression, training, job search assistance, etc.., entertainment for children, school aid to large families, etc.., urban innovation or habitat restoration natural cross-cultural activities for integration and the fight against racism.
The program does not pay enough to cover the total costs of the volunteers, but will cover travel expenses, accommodation, food and an 'insurance. Volunteers give their time and efforts for a project benefiting the community in which they have this unique opportunity to integrate at least partially, and to improve their adaptability and language skills. In exchange for an opportunity to practice their skills, to acquire a wealth of cultural and social knowledge and build for the future.
part of EVS, you can also experience shorter (ranging da 3 settimane a 3 mesi). Questo tipo di progetto riguarda spesso gruppi di volontari che si dedicano congiuntamente ad uno stesso compito. Si rivolge in particolare ai giovani che non hanno mai viaggiato all’estero o a quelli che si trovano temporaneamente in una situazione difficile o che, per diverse ragioni non possono partecipare ad un’azione più lunga. I progetti di breve durata offrono ai giovani l’occasione di arricchire la loro esperienza, eventualmente ai fini di una futura partecipazione ad un progetto SVE di lunga durata.

Aspetti controversi del SVE e conclusioni

Rimane il dato di fatto che il SVE prevede solo un rimborso spese parziale e non economicamente vantaggioso, di Therefore, it requires a financial strain borne by the volunteer and then the EVS does not give the chance for everyone to carry out this learning experience and certainly not able to effectively engage young people from economically disadvantaged areas or from poor families. The risk is that people should be helped to mobility in society, through internationalization and enhancement of the principle of solidarity and active citizenship (the cardinal principles of EVS) will be completely cut off, or almost. In fact, this problem is an element found in nearly all EU programs for young people and does not facilitate real mobility, horizontal between countries and between different social classes vertically. The problem is also on the existence of different possibilities and limits, not only between regions but between more and less developed Member States. The principle of EVS mobility in the European dimension can be weakened and could increase the differences rather than reduce them, integrate them and adapt in a European context. It is hard to believe that a Polish citizen has equal chances of a national Swedish or English or to participate in the EVS to 'Erasmus in countries where purchasing power is much lower.

The quality of the training system depends therefore its ability to innovate, to better understand and interpret the challenges that globalization and European integration to 27 and require only the existence of the EVS, despite its limitations contribute to this. However, it is possible that the EVS with other European programs for young people might be revised in the future. In this regard it is essential that new generations are always followed and supported in the 'look out of his eyes outside their national borders, addressing the challenges of adaptation, integration and knowledge of other cultures and peoples through solidarity and the EVS goes in this direction, despite some limitations mentioned above. The
EVS continues to provide an 'excellent opportunity for many young people to share knowledge, learning and school trips, cultural enrichment, language, and human and especially the awareness of a' united Europe, multilingual and multicultural.


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