Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How Much Ketoconazole Should I Take

Deepening Deepening

industrial policy and global and European
Europe 2020 is the ten-year strategy review of the Lisbon objectives with which they will boost the EU in it are identified as priority issues Economic Development - Social: smart growth through the development of an economy based on knowledge and innovation, sustainable growth through a low-carbon, efficient use of resources and competitive, inclusive growth, through the promotion of an economy with high employment rate conducive to social and territorial cohesion.
As part of this strategic vision, in November 2010, the Commission adopted the Communication COM (2010) 614 called "An integrated industrial policy for the era of globalization recognize the central role of competitiveness and sustainability", in which declines in the EU strategy on industrial policy.
The document comes to light in the era of globalization, which is characterized by the increasingly close interconnection between the international value chains, the scarcity of resources and raw materials for the high competitiveness of China, India e Brasile; e per l’importanza assunta da fattori di competitività come la tecnologia, le TIC e le competenze professionali. In esso si sottolineano la centralità del settore del manifactoring per l’economia europea, l’importanza all’interno del comparto delle PMI (due terzi degli occupati del settore sono impiegati in PMI), e le grandi potenzialità dell’industria, che si desumono dalla circostanza che il comparto ha retto ampiamente l’impatto della forte concorrenza dei paesi emergenti e della globalizzazione, registrando, nel periodo precedente alla crisi finanziaria, buone performance.
In Questa Comunicazione la Commissione di Bruxelles riconosce la centralità del settore derivante by the fact that 80% of all private research and development initiatives undertaken can be attributed to industry and the fact that a job depends on four manufacturing industry and at least one other place on four fall within the sphere of services industry-related suppliers as clients.
The analysis of the current situation is the basis on which it is designed the strategy on industrial policy in Brussels which aims to tackle the global crisis and the challenges of globalized economy, adopting an industrial strategy and carefully articulated that leverages the potential of its Manufacturing. The intent of the Commission is stimulate innovation, research, sustainable growth, cooperation and internationalization of enterprises, as well as the rational use of scarce resources and the reduction of emissions. The objectives that arises strongly recall the principles of Europe 2020 and the resolutions only serve the EU's ten year strategic vision

The strategy for the industrial sector
The body of Brussels, in the Communication COM (2010 ) 614, noted the global context and the current economic crisis - financial and characteristics of the industry makes a strategy aims: to increase competitiveness, increased employment and sustainable development, based on an approach that takes into account the industry's policy in its broadest sense, namely:

Including "the policies that have an impact on costs, prices and competitiveness of innovative industries and sectors, such as standardization of policy innovation or sectoral policies that affect, for example, the results in terms of innovation in the fields industriai "
And considering the effects on the competitiveness of products from all other iniziative politiche, come quelle riguardanti: i trasporti, l'energia, il mercato unico la politica commerciale ecc.

Questo nuovo approccio ha come proposito generale: ”indirizzare l'economia dell'UE verso una crescita dinamica che rafforzerà la concorrenzialità dell'UE, assicurerà crescita e posti di lavoro e consentirà il passaggio ad un'economia a basse emissioni di carbonio e  che faccia un uso efficiente delle risorse”. Esso si basa sulla “convergenza fra una base orizzontale e un applicazione settoriale”, ovvero sulla creazione di un di un quadro intersettoriale che comprende l’intera materia della politica industriale, e su una considerazione attenta delle esigenze e delle specificità dei distinti settori.
Le azioni previste nel documento riguardano diversi aspetti decisivi per la crescita sostenibile del settore quali: il miglioramento del contesto normativo ed infrastrutturale; l’aumento delle possibilità d’accesso al credito e della competitività delle PMI, attraverso la promozione della cooperazione e dell’internazionalizzazione; il supporto alla concorrenzialità delle aziende industriali per mezzo del sostegno alla ricerca, allo sviluppo e all’innovazione, soprattutto in settori ad alto tasso d’innovatività come le nanotecnologie e i materiali avanzati; l’incremento dell’efficienza del reperimento e della gestione of primary resources such as energy and raw materials essential in terms of sustainability and decrease CO2 emissions. For the implementation of these actions have been identified as different tools targeted: the ex ante and ex post on the standardization of Manufacturing, with the approximation of laws, the creation of an effective legal system of industrial property rights and, finally, the strengthening linkages between energy and transport networks.

strategy by the Commission on European industrial policy comes in the light of the situation created by the economic crisis - financial mondiale e della globalizzazione e focalizza la sua attenzione sulle tematiche e gli obiettivi di “Europa 2020”: l’innovazione, la crescita economica basata sulla conoscenza, lo sviluppo sostenibile e le problematiche sociali relative all’occupazione. Secondo Bruxelles, inoltre, l’industria assume un ruolo essenziale nei confronti dei temi di Europa 2020, dato l’alto tasso d’innovatività e d’investimento in R&D del manifacturing e l’elevato numero di lavoratori impiegati.
La coerenza con la nuova visone strategica decennale, la contestualizzazione delle strategie rispetto al panorama globale ed alla crisi economica  della Comunicazione della Commissione and an approach that takes into account the specificities of the different sectors including industry, while considering the sector in its broadest sense, inclusive of all goods and services instrumental to it, there are three obvious advantages of Communication.
The paper draws a comprehensive architecture that aims to bring together a cross-sectoral basis, taking into account the close relationship between a sector such as Manufacturing considered in the broad sense (including all equipment and related products and services) with implementation aware and respectful of all the characteristics of the various production sectors. Innovation, research, cooperation and efficiency of the regulatory framework affect the entire industry, since they are general themes relevant to its development, however, take these features and cater for different needs in different productions and activities connected with and .
Act can be seen clearly aware of the centrality and importance of the area and attention to the development of a sector that plays a key role in economic growth in Europe and in the social and tries to give answers that are second This assessment, designed with wisdom by the Community institutions.
The proposed approach stems from the analysis of past experience and is the result of a great reflection on industrial growth. The document is of great quality. However, many problems remain open, as the fundamental on the resources available to support Community policies in this regard are continuing discussions on the next EU budget. Just the possible decrease of funds, however, has stimulated a more careful planning and more effective.

There are, finally, serious uncertainties relating to the success of EU policies related to ' implementation of decisions taken in Brussels within states, this problematic aspect is reported well within the Community and it depends in large part, the success of those policies. We must therefore evaluate the effectiveness of the tools that will be put in place to ensure implementation of national strategies in the European Union.


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