Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How Much Ketoconazole Should I Take

Deepening Deepening

industrial policy and global and European
Europe 2020 is the ten-year strategy review of the Lisbon objectives with which they will boost the EU in it are identified as priority issues Economic Development - Social: smart growth through the development of an economy based on knowledge and innovation, sustainable growth through a low-carbon, efficient use of resources and competitive, inclusive growth, through the promotion of an economy with high employment rate conducive to social and territorial cohesion.
As part of this strategic vision, in November 2010, the Commission adopted the Communication COM (2010) 614 called "An integrated industrial policy for the era of globalization recognize the central role of competitiveness and sustainability", in which declines in the EU strategy on industrial policy.
The document comes to light in the era of globalization, which is characterized by the increasingly close interconnection between the international value chains, the scarcity of resources and raw materials for the high competitiveness of China, India e Brasile; e per l’importanza assunta da fattori di competitività come la tecnologia, le TIC e le competenze professionali. In esso si sottolineano la centralità del settore del manifactoring per l’economia europea, l’importanza all’interno del comparto delle PMI (due terzi degli occupati del settore sono impiegati in PMI), e le grandi potenzialità dell’industria, che si desumono dalla circostanza che il comparto ha retto ampiamente l’impatto della forte concorrenza dei paesi emergenti e della globalizzazione, registrando, nel periodo precedente alla crisi finanziaria, buone performance.
In Questa Comunicazione la Commissione di Bruxelles riconosce la centralità del settore derivante by the fact that 80% of all private research and development initiatives undertaken can be attributed to industry and the fact that a job depends on four manufacturing industry and at least one other place on four fall within the sphere of services industry-related suppliers as clients.
The analysis of the current situation is the basis on which it is designed the strategy on industrial policy in Brussels which aims to tackle the global crisis and the challenges of globalized economy, adopting an industrial strategy and carefully articulated that leverages the potential of its Manufacturing. The intent of the Commission is stimulate innovation, research, sustainable growth, cooperation and internationalization of enterprises, as well as the rational use of scarce resources and the reduction of emissions. The objectives that arises strongly recall the principles of Europe 2020 and the resolutions only serve the EU's ten year strategic vision

The strategy for the industrial sector
The body of Brussels, in the Communication COM (2010 ) 614, noted the global context and the current economic crisis - financial and characteristics of the industry makes a strategy aims: to increase competitiveness, increased employment and sustainable development, based on an approach that takes into account the industry's policy in its broadest sense, namely:

Including "the policies that have an impact on costs, prices and competitiveness of innovative industries and sectors, such as standardization of policy innovation or sectoral policies that affect, for example, the results in terms of innovation in the fields industriai "
And considering the effects on the competitiveness of products from all other iniziative politiche, come quelle riguardanti: i trasporti, l'energia, il mercato unico la politica commerciale ecc.

Questo nuovo approccio ha come proposito generale: ”indirizzare l'economia dell'UE verso una crescita dinamica che rafforzerà la concorrenzialità dell'UE, assicurerà crescita e posti di lavoro e consentirà il passaggio ad un'economia a basse emissioni di carbonio e  che faccia un uso efficiente delle risorse”. Esso si basa sulla “convergenza fra una base orizzontale e un applicazione settoriale”, ovvero sulla creazione di un di un quadro intersettoriale che comprende l’intera materia della politica industriale, e su una considerazione attenta delle esigenze e delle specificità dei distinti settori.
Le azioni previste nel documento riguardano diversi aspetti decisivi per la crescita sostenibile del settore quali: il miglioramento del contesto normativo ed infrastrutturale; l’aumento delle possibilità d’accesso al credito e della competitività delle PMI, attraverso la promozione della cooperazione e dell’internazionalizzazione; il supporto alla concorrenzialità delle aziende industriali per mezzo del sostegno alla ricerca, allo sviluppo e all’innovazione, soprattutto in settori ad alto tasso d’innovatività come le nanotecnologie e i materiali avanzati; l’incremento dell’efficienza del reperimento e della gestione of primary resources such as energy and raw materials essential in terms of sustainability and decrease CO2 emissions. For the implementation of these actions have been identified as different tools targeted: the ex ante and ex post on the standardization of Manufacturing, with the approximation of laws, the creation of an effective legal system of industrial property rights and, finally, the strengthening linkages between energy and transport networks.

strategy by the Commission on European industrial policy comes in the light of the situation created by the economic crisis - financial mondiale e della globalizzazione e focalizza la sua attenzione sulle tematiche e gli obiettivi di “Europa 2020”: l’innovazione, la crescita economica basata sulla conoscenza, lo sviluppo sostenibile e le problematiche sociali relative all’occupazione. Secondo Bruxelles, inoltre, l’industria assume un ruolo essenziale nei confronti dei temi di Europa 2020, dato l’alto tasso d’innovatività e d’investimento in R&D del manifacturing e l’elevato numero di lavoratori impiegati.
La coerenza con la nuova visone strategica decennale, la contestualizzazione delle strategie rispetto al panorama globale ed alla crisi economica  della Comunicazione della Commissione and an approach that takes into account the specificities of the different sectors including industry, while considering the sector in its broadest sense, inclusive of all goods and services instrumental to it, there are three obvious advantages of Communication.
The paper draws a comprehensive architecture that aims to bring together a cross-sectoral basis, taking into account the close relationship between a sector such as Manufacturing considered in the broad sense (including all equipment and related products and services) with implementation aware and respectful of all the characteristics of the various production sectors. Innovation, research, cooperation and efficiency of the regulatory framework affect the entire industry, since they are general themes relevant to its development, however, take these features and cater for different needs in different productions and activities connected with and .
Act can be seen clearly aware of the centrality and importance of the area and attention to the development of a sector that plays a key role in economic growth in Europe and in the social and tries to give answers that are second This assessment, designed with wisdom by the Community institutions.
The proposed approach stems from the analysis of past experience and is the result of a great reflection on industrial growth. The document is of great quality. However, many problems remain open, as the fundamental on the resources available to support Community policies in this regard are continuing discussions on the next EU budget. Just the possible decrease of funds, however, has stimulated a more careful planning and more effective.

There are, finally, serious uncertainties relating to the success of EU policies related to ' implementation of decisions taken in Brussels within states, this problematic aspect is reported well within the Community and it depends in large part, the success of those policies. We must therefore evaluate the effectiveness of the tools that will be put in place to ensure implementation of national strategies in the European Union.

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Energy 2020
The European Commission presented a Communication on November 10 last year titled "Energy 2020 - A strategy for competitive, Sustainable and secure energy". This document inserisce nel percorso volto a delineare concretamente la strategia di Europa 2020, con particolare riguardo al tema dell’energia.
Il documento si basa sull’idea che la riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra e lo sviluppo di una economia ecosostenibile sia necessario sia dal punto di vista della competitività che da quello della sostenibilità ambientale. A beneficiare di tali cambiamenti sarebbero soprattutto i cittadini, grazie ad approvvigionamenti energetici più economici e più sicuri.
La nuova strategia energetica dell’UE è articolata su cinque priorità, ognuna delle quali è specificata da diversi punti di azione. Le priorità sono le seguenti:
  • risparmio energetico, tramite greater efficiency
  • market with competitive prices and stocks supplies
  • sure
  • stimulus to technological leadership
  • effective negotiation with international partners

Saving energy
The Commission supports the objective to increase energy efficiency 20% by 2020. To this end, action must be taken at all stages of the energy chain, from production to final consumption, through the transmission and distribution. The sectors with greater potential for efficiency gains are the construction and transport. Possible tools in this direction include a review of Directive on energy taxation, greater use of EU regional funds and the increased use of information technology and communication. Public authorities in this field should lead by example, using energy efficiency criteria in all public works contracts. Regarding the private sector, stimulate the competitiveness of European enterprises will be given through the definition of new energy requirements, both through the development of voluntary agreements with industry. Another aspect worthy of attention is the development of the management aspects (audit, energy managers ...) in the industrial and service sectors. In addition, distribution companies will provide the public and consumers detailed information on its work in the field of energy saving.
In 2011, the Commission will present a "Plan for Energy Efficiency", supported by concrete regulatory proposals. It will also shortly publish a White Paper on transport policy in the future, with proposals for measures to improve sustainability and reduce dependence on oil. Commission action must be accompanied by a more rigorous system of monitoring and benchmarking of the annual National Action Plans for energy efficiency.

Free movement of energy
To date, the energy market - Electricity and gas in particular - is still too fragmented. The Commission has set 2015 as deadline for completion of the internal energy market. Greater interconnection, in fact, will ensure the most competitive prices.
To achieve the targets set for 2020, according to Commission estimates, will require approximately € 1000 billion of infrastructure investment. In 2011, the Commission will propose new ways to define and implement the EU's strategic priorities in terms of infrastructure.
Among the ideas presented by the Commission is to harmonize the approval procedures for projects of European interest and to strengthen the Community regulatory framework. Finally, considering that most of the required infrastructure are commercial in nature, access to finance should be improved to stimulate private investment.

Stocks and supplies safe
Another objective of the Commission is to give certainty to the rights of consumers and ensure safe and reliable energy supplies. In terms of consumer protection, will be improved monitoring of the cost of energy bills, comparability and transparency of prices from suppliers. The security aspect is particularly relevant in the field of nuclear energy, and will be the focus of revisione delle Direttive già presenti in questo campo.

Stimolo alla leadership tecnologica
Naturalmente, il passaggio verso una “economia verde” deve essere accompagnato da un forte impegno tecnologico per lo sviluppo delle fonti di energia rinnovabili. In primo luogo, la Commissione si impegna a garantire una piena implementazione dello Strategic Energy Technology Plan, presentato nel giugno scorso per accelerare lo sviluppo delle tecnologie “low-carbon”, tramite uno stanziamento addizionale di 50 miliardi di euro. Un altro obiettivo della Commissione è quello di ridurre la distanza tra ricerca pura e innovazioni tecnologiche in campo energetico, tramite lo sviluppo di infrastrutture strategiche europee della ricerca sull’energia.
Inoltre, la Commissione lancerà quattro progetti europei di grande scala sui temi delle reti intelligenti di interconnessione delle centrali elettriche, dello stoccaggio dell'energia elettrica, della ricerca sui biocarburanti di seconda generazione e del partenariato tra "città intelligenti" per promuovere il risparmio energetico a livello locale.

Negoziazione effettiva con i partner internazionali
Buona parte dei partner internazionali dell’UE in campo energetico sono Paesi vicini. Pertanto, la politica di vicinato deve essere strettamente connessa a quella energetica. Nell’ambito di questa politica, la Commissione propone di estendere e di approfondire il trattato che istituisce la Comunità dell'energia ad altri paesi che intendono partecipare al mercato UE dell'energia, con un’attenzione particolare al continente africano.

Quale energia per l’Europa?
Nel 2007 il Consiglio Europeo ha adottato gli obiettivi di ridurre entro il 2020 le emissioni di gas ad effetto serra del 20% (del 30%, in caso di collaborazione da parte degli attori internazionali), di aumentare fino al 20% la quota di energia prodotta da fonti rinnovabili e di ottenere un miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica del 20%. Questi obiettivi sono molto ambiziosi, in particolare dopo la battuta d’arresto registrata al vertice di Copenhagen nel dicembre 2009. Per contribuire to give effect to these commitments, the Commission undertook to propose concrete legislative initiatives over the next 18 months. A more stringent legislation, combined with the revision of existing directives would be a good stimulus for change of "paradigm" energy supply. In this area, however, will be crucial and determining the contribution of each country. On February 4, 2011 there will be a Council of Europe specifically dedicated to energy issues. E 'unlikely event that follows from this concrete initiatives. However, from a political point of view, that is an important test to understand the true ambitions of the Member States.

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Towards Innovation
Union The European Commission presented a Communication on October 6, 2010 which outlines the path to Innovation Union. Designed to promote green growth and social progress, the Union Innovation focus the whole of Europe on key issues such as climate change, energy and food security, health and demographic change due to an aging population .

The economic and social
Communications Commission is part of the process of defining a European strategy for the achievement of Europe 2020. Increased investment in innovation is in fact regarded as a cornerstone of the new strategy that should characterize the entire political agenda in the coming years.
The context in which communication is part of the international economic crisis and slow recovery that characterizes the EU countries. If some of the difficulties are contingent unhappy international situation, other problems are more structural. The loss of competitiveness is a phenomenon that has lasted many years and which has among its causes a widespread difficulty to innovate. A more innovative features would be desirable from the point of the competitiveness of European enterprises, sia dal punto di vista della capacità di dare risposte a problemi comuni ai Paesi europei, quali le esigenze di maggiore efficienza della pubblica amministrazione e i problemi sociali ed economici legati all’invecchiamento della popolazione.
La spesa per la ricerca e sviluppo (R&S) è in Europa assai inferiore a quella delle economie comparabili alla nostra (Stati Uniti e Giappone in primis). L’obiettivo per il 2020 sarebbe quello di innalzare la spesa per R&S fino al 3% del PIL, ma attualmente la media europea è inferiore al 2%.
La comunicazione è stata preceduta da diversi studi, il più importante dei quali è “The Cost of a non-innovative Europe”, di P. Zagamé (2010), a supporto della convenienza economica di un maggiore investimento nella ricerca. Inoltre, congiuntamente alla comunicazione è stato pubblicato un documento di accompagnamento (A rationale for action), con dati a supporto delle tesi della comunicazione. A titolo di esempio, si afferma che un aumento della spesa per R&S fino al 3% del PIL potrebbe creare fino a 3,7 milioni di posti di lavoro e aumentare il PIL annuo di ben 795 milioni entro il 2025. L’operazione richiederebbe però un notevole sforzo in termini di investimento: basti pensare che, per sfruttare tutto il potenziale della Innovation Union, sarebbero necessari 1 milione di ricercatori in più.

La Comunicazione della Commissione
The Commission's paper revolves around the need to address some critical aspects of the policy of R & D in Europe. In particular, it highlights the following ten points:
  • In times of budgetary restrictions, the EU and the Member States must continue to invest in education, R & D, innovation and communication technologies. These investments should not only be protected from budget cuts, but even increased.
  • More investment should go hand in hand with reforms to improve the effectiveness of funding and reduce fragmentation. European and national research should be more interconnected.
  • Our education systems must be improved at all levels, using excellence as a guiding principle. We need more world-class universities, to attract talent from abroad.
  • researchers and innovators should cooperate at European level as easily as they do nationally. The European Research Area must be completed within four years.
  • The access to the EU should be simplified and stimulate more private investment, with support from the European Investment Bank. The role of the European Research Council should be strengthened. The European Regional Development Fund should be used to develop research and innovation strategies based on regional specialization.
  • cooperation between scientists and enterprises should be strengthened.
  • should remove barriers that prevent the ideas of "entering the market." Are desirable, for example, better access to finance, in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises, intellectual property rights more secure, faster definition of interoperability standards.
  • European Innovation Partnerships should be established to accelerate research, development and commercialization of innovative ideas to address le principali sfide sociali e demografiche, a partire da quelle legate all’invecchiamento della popolazione.
  • L’innovazione nel settore pubblico dovrebbe essere maggiormente incoraggiata, monitorando i progressi e valorizzando le esperienze positive.
  • Occorre collaborare maggiormente con i partner internazionali, promuovendo l’apertura dei nostri programmi di R&S, a condizioni di reciprocità. Allo stesso tempo, è importante creare un fronte comune europeo per difendere i nostri interessi.
A sostegno della Innovation Union, la Commissione ha individuato oltre trenta punti di azione nell’ambito della conoscenza, della commercializzazione delle idee, dei benefici sociali at the regional level, partnerships for innovation and international cooperation. The most important points of communication, in terms of proposals, seem to be as follows:
  • Launch of Partnerships for Innovation: the idea is to mobilize the stakeholders - the European and national public and private - in areas related to the challenges social challenges facing Europe. The Commission will allocate funds for the initiation of such partnerships, which will then encourage individual spending on R & D, coordinate investments, accelerate the establishment of standards and stimulate demand.
  • Completion of the European Ricerca entro quattro anni. Questo obiettivo da un lato sembra particolarmente ambizioso, dall’altro non è affiancato da indicatori precisi. In ogni caso, la Commissione proporrà nel 2012 un Quadro per lo Spazio Europeo della Ricerca e delle misure concrete per la rimozione degli ostacoli alla cooperazione scientifica transfrontaliera.
  • Revisione dei finanziamenti strutturali, in modo da convogliare risorse su iniziative con un valore aggiunto in termini di innovazione. A tale proposito, maggiori dettagli sono forniti dalla comunicazione della Commissione, sempre del 6 ottobre, dal titolo “Il contributo della politica regionale alla crescita intelligente nell’ambito di Europa 2020”.
  • Lancio di un European Sector Innovation Scoreboard and a European Social Innovation Pilot, reflecting the need to measure and compare the results. The European Sector Innovation Scoreboard is a scoreboard which is based on 25 indicators and will be completed by a new indicator that reflects the share of innovative companies in fast-growing economy. The European Social Innovation Pilot should encourage partnerships to provide skills for social innovators and provide for social innovation as a main objective of the programs of the European Social Fund.
  • By 2012, the Commission ensures that the venture capital funds allocated in a Member State can freely circulate and be invested within the EU. To this end, any unfavorable tax treatment towards trans-national activities should be removed.
  • The need to create a single European patent is affirmed. The costs for obtaining a patent valid in all 27 EU countries are 15 times higher than those of the United States and represent a true "tax on innovation." The Commission urges the Council and the European Parliament for the first patents to be issued as early as 2014.
  • The strategic use of funds allocated for public procurement at national level in order to focus on activities to support innovation. Since 2011, Member States and regions should devote part of their budget to pre-commercial procurement and public procurement of products and services. This should create a European market of at least € 10 billion for innovations that improve the quality and efficiency of public services.

What future for Innovation Union?
Research and innovation are areas where a strong coordination and leadership in Europe is particularly convenient. By joining forces, significant economies of scale would be activated, with important gains in efficiency and results. The costs of duplication of research programs at the national level are no longer sustainable, in particular at this historic time of economic difficulty. The most effective way to boost European innovation policy consists of an increase in the level of resources allocated for R & D, together with a greater business involvement. If the Commission Communication seems to be going in this direction, the European Council in December 2010 will help clarify the actual scope of the proposed initiatives. Again, much will depend on the willingness of Member States to allocate resources with a view to investment that exceeds national boundaries.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Wear Satin Pants

Deepening Deepening Deepening

The revision of the EU budget
Lo scorso 19 ottobre la Commissione Europea ha pubblicato la Comunicazione sulla revisione del budget dell’Unione Europea (.pdf) . Tale comunicazione era stata richiesta dal Consiglio Europeo di dicembre 2005, con lo scopo di esaminare tutti gli aspetti riguardanti le spese e le risorse europee. In questa richiesta era inoltre presente uno specifico riferimento a due delle questioni più controverse e politicamente sensibili del dibattito sul budget europeo, ovvero la Politica Agricola Comune (PAC) e il “ribasso britannico”. La Comunicazione si inserisce anche nel processo di definizione delle nuove prospettive finanziarie per il periodo 2013-2020.

Il budget dell'Unione
L’idea che the European Community should have a budget independent of that of the Member States is present from the beginning of the project of European integration. Originally the cost of the European Community were funded entirely from its own resources, mainly from the common customs duties imposed on imports from third countries. The gradual increase in the activities of the Community, together with the reduction in the duties as a result of various GATT agreements, soon made necessary the use of new sources of funding. To this end, was introduced in 1970 the value added tax (VAT), whose revenues are perceived nationally and later in part to the Community European Union. In the '80s, as noted, the integration process experienced a phase of momentum, with the transfer of many new responsibilities from the national to the Community. In addition, during the same period cohesion policy became one of the main political priorities of the Community, with obvious consequences in financial terms. Therefore, a new reform of the system of resources was needed. In 1988 it was decided that some of the resources of the Community was financed directly by Member States, in proportion to the national budget. In recent decades, this resource has become increasingly important, to food today about 76% of the EU budget. VAT and resources their traditional (mainly customs duties) amounted to around 12% both.
To this picture must be added the so-called "British decline". According to an agreement signed between the European Community and the United Kingdom, shall be entitled to a refund equal to 66% of the difference between its contribution to the European budget and the share of this budget that is allocated in the United Kingdom. This agreement remains in force, was signed in 1984 that the United Kingdom agreed to finance a budget at the time dominated by the Common Agricultural Policy, from which the UK has derived no benefit. Today, following further agreements, four other countries (Germany, Netherlands, Austria and Sweden) enjoy a discount on the bottom ", linked to the United Kingdom but are lower.

The magnitude of the European budget is stable with a unanimous decision of member countries for a period of seven years, corresponding to the EU's financial planning (financial perspective in terms of the Treaty of Lisbon), also run for seven years. The amount of the budget amounted to 864.3 billion euro for the period 2007-2013 (120.7 per 2008), equivalent to just over 1% of total EU GDP.
In terms of the composition of expenditure, the two largest items are represented by the CAP and cohesion policy, each of which represents just over 40% of total expenditure. The allocation of the EU budget is an issue much debated. The important role of the CAP, in particular, is criticized by many for reasons of efficiency - it is essentially grants a non-competitive sector at international level - and because to benefit from these funds are only the countries with a significant agricultural sector (especially France and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe). In any case, the weight of the CAP is much lower than in the past, and is intended to be further reduced in coming years.

communication on budget revuew
Communications Commission responds to a request by the European Council was preceded by a public consultation with which the Commission has received nearly 300 contributions from public and private institutions, research centers and individuals.
The Report will consider the following critical aspects of the budget of the Union:
  • Issues of flexibility: the adoption of the budget process is long and complex, and is particularly difficult to make changes during construction to meet unforeseen emergencies.
  • New challenges from economic downturn: during the economic crisis the EU budget proved an effective complement to national resources allocated to stimulate the economy. This role should be further enhanced in the future.
  • Limits of "juste retour" the Commission criticizes the approach of many states to the European budget, marked by the logic of "fair return". Assessing Community action on the basis of their national allocation of resources could reduce the effectiveness of actions and the added value of EU funding.
  • Importance of time to find agreement on a package of funding: complex procedures relating to budget often involves a long interval between the achievement of un accordo politico su un programma e l’effettivo inizio di questo. Questo problema è particolarmente rilevante per la spesa relativa alle politiche di coesione.
  • Migliori regole sui programmi: una ridefinizione delle regole sulla gestione e sul controllo dei programmi comunitari possono migliorarne l’impatto. Ad esempio, le regole sui controlli sono spesso costose dal punto di vista amministrativo e orientate a un approccio formale, che non tiene in adeguato conto gli effettivi risultati.
  • Budget dell’UE come integratore di altre fonti di finanziamento: il budget dell’UE dovrebbe agire maggiormente come fattore di stimolo ad investimenti pubblici e privati. Il dominio dell’approccio per sovvenzioni potrebbe aver limitato l’impatto del budget europeo.

Il documento della Commissione, come si vede, è orientato soprattutto a sottolineare i problemi di efficienza ed efficacia della spesa dell’Unione. Le questioni del volume complessivo del budget e delle fonti di finanziamento, molto delicate dal punto di vista politico, sono lasciate in secondo piano. In questo senso, è indicativo il rilievo dato all’obiettivo di ridurre i costi amministrativi dell’UE, pari oggi al 5,7% del totale del budget.
Si afferma poi che ogni riforma futura del budget europeo dovrà prendere in considerazione in maniera congiunta l’aspetto del volume e dell’allocazione della spesa and the sources of funding. This holistic approach to budget reform is inevitable because of both the political sensitivity of the issue is the need for unanimity of the Member States to adopt the reform. These elements ensure that every reform must come in the form of "package" of agreements between Member States, including all the highlights from the budget of the Union.
With particular regard to the question of own resources, the communication refers to the possibility of introducing a new tax to ensure the true European Union's own resources, now heavily dependent on contributions from Member States. This situation, As mentioned above, encourages the spread of the logic of "fair return" and limits the autonomy of EU policy with respect to national governments. A European tax could have social objectives (financial transactions), environmental (air, carbon tax) or other (a redefinition of VAT). About
of the two main sources of expenditure of the budget (CAP and cohesion policy), the Commission reiterates its essentially political positions, without dwelling on the issues of the volume of these items and the proposals for re-nationalization of these policies. In reference to CAP, it underlines the progressive evolution towards rural development and environmental policies. To quanto riguarda la coesione, si ribadisce che essa deve avere un ruolo non solo redistributivo, ma anche e soprattutto di supporto alla strategia di Lisbona. A tal fine, la Commissione propone di concentrarsi su pochi e determinati obiettivi, che convoglino le risorse dei vari fondi già esistenti. La Commissione si propone quindi di adottare un quadro strategico comune che traduca gli obiettivi di Europa 2020 in priorità di investimento. Inoltre, i Programmi Nazionali di Riforma per l’attuazione della strategia di Lisbona potrebbero includere una sorta di contratto di partenariato per lo sviluppo e l’investimento, che presenti in maniera più stringente gli impegni presi dagli Stati e dalle loro regioni.

Quale futuro per il EU budget?
An important point stressed by the Communication on the need to link more closely the political agenda of the EU budget. The budget will have to support and promote smart growth, sustainable and inclusive, in support of the renewed Lisbon strategy. In particular, the EU will provide financial support to the pursuit of Agenda 2020 and the achievement of the objectives it sets.
This attempt to "politicize" the budget is more important from a media point of view, since this area is often seen as technical in nature and not followed by the public. The EU budget the rest is not only a tool for the implementation of Community policies, but also a kind of litmus test of the weight that is actually given, particularly in capitals and in Brussels the European Union's priorities. In this sense, is also the Commission's proposal to extend the period of the financial perspective in five years (or more likely ten with a review after five). In this way, every financial programming document is clearly attributable to the European Parliament and the Commission in office.
Communications Commission may in some ways be considered the real start of the process of negotiation of the financial perspective 2013-2020. Il risultato di questa negoziazione sarà decisivo per l’evoluzione dell’integrazione europea nei prossimi anni. Le risposte sui punti cruciali, riguardanti il volume e l’allocazione del budget e l’ammontare delle risorse proprie, costituiranno un indicatore affidabile dell’ambizione politica dell’Unione.

Sample Community Service Log

Il diritto di libera circolazione e la questione dei Rom
Nel corso degli ultimi mesi la situazione dei Rom, ed in particolare i suoi sviluppi in Francia, ha destato l’attenzione tanto dell’opinione pubblica europea, quanto delle istituzioni comunitarie. Questo argomento riguarda strettamente legislazione comunitaria on the free movement of citizens within the territory of ' European Union. Although the protection of public order and the promotion of integration, both social and economic, of the Roma population is essentially the responsibility of each member state, it is equally true that, since EU citizens, they must respect their treatment is complied with European legislation, specifically the rules on free movement and non-discrimination and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights .
On the one hand it recognizes the right of the European Union Member States to nationals of a standard treatment is very different (mainly based on equality of treatment) compared to that of citizens of third countries, both by asking specific, exceptional limits on the power of national governments to expel EU citizens, both in their favor recognizing a wide range of guarantees. Secondly, Community law also enshrines the prohibition of discrimination, in particular those based on race, ethnic or social origin, or membership of a national minority.
Since the political issues are mixed to the more strictly legal, creating some uncertainty about the correct (at least from a legal standpoint) evaluation of the events, appare utile fornire una breve panoramica del quadro giuridico europeo in questione e una sintetica analisi degli eventi che si sono sviluppati negli ultimi mesi, tanto a livello nazionale, quanto europeo.

Diritto di libera circolazione e non discriminazione
Nell’architettura giuridica comunitaria, la libertà di circolazione costituisce una delle libertà fondamentali di tutti i cittadini dell’Unione Europea. La base legale di questo diritto risiede nel Trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione Europea che, secondo l’articolo 21(1), garantisce a tutti i cittadini comunitari il diritto di circolare e soggiornare liberamente all’interno del territorio dei 27 stati membri. Il diritto di circolazione riceve dunque la tutela di più alto livello, essendo menzionato inoltre all’interno della Carta Europea dei Diritti Fondamentali (articolo 45) , resa giuridicamente vincolante per tutti gli stati membri con l’approvazione del Trattato di Lisbona. Tale diritto non riceve tuttavia una tutela incondizionata, ma è soggetto alle limitazioni e alle condizione espresse all’interno della Direttiva sulla Liberta di Circolazione 2004/38 del 29.4.2004 “relativa al diritto dei cittadini dell’Unione e dei loro familiari di circolare e soggiornare liberamente nel territorio degli Stati membri”, che ha modificato il regolamento 1612/68 sulla libera circolazione dei employed and repealed the existing nine directives on free movement, entry and residence.
In the case of two citizens from the New Accession Countries, and this is the case of nationals of Roma origin (mostly from Romania and Bulgaria), other conditions, although transient, are imposed by the Treaty of Accession signed by the same states April 25, 2005. In line with the transitional provisions, France imposes a duty on the Bulgarian and Romanian nationals to obtain authorization to work, at least for a certain number of activities, before entering its territory, the transitional provision has also made use Italy, but for a longer period limited (up to 31.12.2010, and for a very limited scope of activities). According to the directive of
2004, for stays of up to three months, the only restriction on freedom of movement is the possession of a valid identity document states shall not impose any other conditions.
If an EU citizen decides to extend his stay should be "economically active" or have sufficient resources to avoid becoming a burden on the social system and have health insurance. If the city does not fill these conditions, has no right of residence and the host State may decide to request its removal. Even with regard to the situation of Roma, is important to note that, before issuing the deportation order, the host must conduct an examination of the individual circumstances of the subject. A Member State is also obliged to conduct an assessment on the proportionality of its decision. The legislation therefore requires that it is always done on a case by case, in case the reason of removal is linked to issues of public policy or public security.
regard to procedural matters, the decision for expulsion should be written, fully justified and allow the right of appeal.

Recent developments in France on 28
June 2010, the French authorities have announced a press officer with a series of measures concerning the situation of Travellers and Roma ("gens de voyage et Roms"), with the aim of:
  • Vacate 200 illegal encampments France over 3 months, because of the "illegality" that is connected to the same: trafficking and child exploitation for the purposes dell'accattonaggio, prostitution and violation of private property;
  • Reforming the current law to allow French, in the future, a process of dismantling illegal settlements more efficient;
  • expelled from the territory French EU citizens from Eastern Europe, mostly from Romania and Bulgaria, in an irregular situation;
  • deport them and pay for this purpose a "help to return and reintegration of 300 € for adults and 100 for children;
  • Use, in October, a database called OSCAR for the fingerprinting of recipients of 'help' in order to identify possible fraud (such as recurrence of the same request from the same person using different identities ).
On 30 August, the French authorities have already announced that 128 illegal camps had been dismantled and that 979 people Romanian and Bulgarian nationals staying illegally were deported (151 forcibly, voluntarily and 828).
In a meeting requested by the European Commission , the French authorities stated that they have already begun to implement such measures before, but have accelerated the implementation of the last period.

Controversial aspects of the measures taken by the French authorities
According to a preliminary assessment, the services of European Commission found that there is no doubt that the French authorities have the obligation to assess all the individual circumstances and procedural requirements. In addition, the Commission considered that the mere fact that recent returns have been defined as "voluntary" (and there is provision for a lump sum payment) is not sufficient to consider them outside the range of principles on freedom of movement. The Commission has also undertaken a finding as to what are the consequences for those who try to return to France. In fact, the re-entry ban can not be imposed on EU citizens, unless the expulsion was not motivated by matters of public order or safety.

reactions of Parliament and the Commission
On 9 September the European Parliament adopted a resolution with which it expressed deep concern that measures taken in the fight against the Roma in several respects, with European Union law. The European Parliament also accused the Commission of having given a belated response to what happened France.
The European Commission's response was harsh: in an interview released Sept. 15, the Vice-President Viviane Reding , accusing France of discrimination that no longer had earlier in Europe since the Second World War, announced willingness to open infringement proceedings against France. The motivation was not resident, however, nell’accusa di discriminazione di una minoranza etnica, ma nell’incompleta trasposizione della direttiva del 2004 sulla libera circolazione dei cittadini europei.
A seguito di contatti ripetuti con le autorità francesi e al loro impegno a risolvere la situazione, la Vicepresidente ha annunciato il 19 ottobre la sospensione della procedura di infrazione avviata nei confronti della Francia, ai sensi dell’art. 258 del Trattato sul funzionamento dell’Unione Europea .

La spaccatura che si è prodotta in seno al Consiglio europeo lo scorso 16 settembre sembra non avere precedenti. Lo scontro che si è verificato è not so unusual for bright tones, giving rise to concern, however, but the nature of the matter. It was not material questions of fact or institutional, as the method of allocation of resources, or the voting rights. The rift occurred, however, the interpretation of a founding principle, have never been challenged so directly and radical form: the member states are ready to accept that citizenship involves rights for those who have no transport and can therefore to constitute a burden to the state guest? And what happens if it is one that is defined by many the largest European minority (it fluctuates between 10 and 12 million people), characterized by a high degree poverty and social marginalization, and identified in the public eye by stretches of alleged ethnic and cultural homogeneity that make it physically identifiable? What is the actual degree of protection that the EU is able to ensure their rights in case of discriminatory treatment by one or more member states?
The clash between the European Institutions and France, supported by Italy and the Czech Republic now seems to have deflated the statement issued on behalf of the European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding October 19. The Commission has accepted, in fact, the assurances made by government francese su una futura trasposizione adeguata della legislazione comunitaria. Tuttavia, osservatori internazionali, tra i quali la EU Roma Policy Coalition , rilevano come questo lasci irrisolta la situazione centinaia di persone allontanate, in modo più o meno volontario, nel corso delle scorse settimane e che non hanno avuto accesso alla giustizia.
Non bisogna sottovalutare il potenziale di riproduzione che la situazione attuale potrebbe avere in futuro. L’apparente chiusura della questione non ha dato in realtà una risposta sugli sviluppi futuri, che rimangono ancora aperti.
La risposta, almeno inizialmente severa, della Commissione europea, ma soprattutto della sua Vicepresidente Viviane Reding, has been a clear signal to Member States. It remains to be seen whether this story will be developed at European level a reflection and a harbinger of consultation results. Many, for example, advocates the creation of a genuine European framework strategy on Roma Inclusion

Mastrabating With Water Jet

The key principles of the European Voluntary Service (EVS)
L ' flagship initiative of the European Commission "Youth on the move" the "strategy for smart growth, sustainable and inclusive Europe 2020" is aimed at improving the performance of education systems and increase the international mobility dei giovani. Il Servizio Volontario Europeo (SVE) è un’ iniziativa promossa dall’ Unione Europea collocata in tale strategia, dedicata ai giovani che vogliono vivere una esperienza di volontariato per la propria crescita professionale e culturale. Alla base dell'azione SVE vi è in primo luogo l’idea per cui il volontariato costituisce per i giovani un mezzo efficace di istruzione e di formazione supplementare, che merita di essere valorizzato nel contesto europeo. Il ruolo finale dello SVE, in realtà, è quello  di sensibilizzare le giovani generazioni nell’aiuto e nella solidarietà verso gli altri e i più deboli, in un periodo in cui nelle nostre società è sempre più forte e diffuso a latent "selfishness" individualist. At the same time, the EVS helps to strengthen an international or European identity among young people, allowing them to acquire professional experience, or simply living in other Member States other than that of origin. 'S goal of increasing the' internationalization of young people through a volunteer experience, aims to create a multicultural society, dynamic and integral to the 'other' in which employment mobility and European citizenship may be its hinges.
EVS provides young people for an 'opportunity to exchange knowledge, learning and educational trips, enriching cultural, linguistic and human and especially enhances awareness of a 'united Europe, multilingual and multicultural.

Useful information on the EVS EVS
activities are aimed at young people between 18 and 30 years for a period ranging between 6 and 12 months and the countries participating in the EVS are the 27 Member States of the Union 's ( Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia , Spain, Sweden, Hungary). Just
have between 18 and 30 years and be legally resident in one of the EU countries, nationality, educational level and social origin have apparently of no importance. The only condition is to be at the service of a local project. It should be noted that EVS is not a substitute for military service or alternative civilian service systems mandatory in some countries or states. It is organized on an entirely voluntary, depending on the motivations of the young participants, in addition to paid employment can not replace, existing or potential.
EVS activities may relate to the field of art and culture, support the most vulnerable groups (children, young or elderly) or cover the sport and leisure, civil protection or environmental protection and cultural heritage.
The EVS can be directed to the following: contribution to the creation of support services for the elderly, sick or disabled, creating a shelter for the homeless, the establishment of a canteen for the poor, the organization of a multi-purpose youth center in a suburb, for information activities, recreation or cultural expression, training, job search assistance, etc.., entertainment for children, school aid to large families, etc.., urban innovation or habitat restoration natural cross-cultural activities for integration and the fight against racism.
The program does not pay enough to cover the total costs of the volunteers, but will cover travel expenses, accommodation, food and an 'insurance. Volunteers give their time and efforts for a project benefiting the community in which they have this unique opportunity to integrate at least partially, and to improve their adaptability and language skills. In exchange for an opportunity to practice their skills, to acquire a wealth of cultural and social knowledge and build for the future.
part of EVS, you can also experience shorter (ranging da 3 settimane a 3 mesi). Questo tipo di progetto riguarda spesso gruppi di volontari che si dedicano congiuntamente ad uno stesso compito. Si rivolge in particolare ai giovani che non hanno mai viaggiato all’estero o a quelli che si trovano temporaneamente in una situazione difficile o che, per diverse ragioni non possono partecipare ad un’azione più lunga. I progetti di breve durata offrono ai giovani l’occasione di arricchire la loro esperienza, eventualmente ai fini di una futura partecipazione ad un progetto SVE di lunga durata.

Aspetti controversi del SVE e conclusioni

Rimane il dato di fatto che il SVE prevede solo un rimborso spese parziale e non economicamente vantaggioso, di Therefore, it requires a financial strain borne by the volunteer and then the EVS does not give the chance for everyone to carry out this learning experience and certainly not able to effectively engage young people from economically disadvantaged areas or from poor families. The risk is that people should be helped to mobility in society, through internationalization and enhancement of the principle of solidarity and active citizenship (the cardinal principles of EVS) will be completely cut off, or almost. In fact, this problem is an element found in nearly all EU programs for young people and does not facilitate real mobility, horizontal between countries and between different social classes vertically. The problem is also on the existence of different possibilities and limits, not only between regions but between more and less developed Member States. The principle of EVS mobility in the European dimension can be weakened and could increase the differences rather than reduce them, integrate them and adapt in a European context. It is hard to believe that a Polish citizen has equal chances of a national Swedish or English or to participate in the EVS to 'Erasmus in countries where purchasing power is much lower.

The quality of the training system depends therefore its ability to innovate, to better understand and interpret the challenges that globalization and European integration to 27 and require only the existence of the EVS, despite its limitations contribute to this. However, it is possible that the EVS with other European programs for young people might be revised in the future. In this regard it is essential that new generations are always followed and supported in the 'look out of his eyes outside their national borders, addressing the challenges of adaptation, integration and knowledge of other cultures and peoples through solidarity and the EVS goes in this direction, despite some limitations mentioned above. The
EVS continues to provide an 'excellent opportunity for many young people to share knowledge, learning and school trips, cultural enrichment, language, and human and especially the awareness of a' united Europe, multilingual and multicultural.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Pain Left Side Of Neck

Esportiamo ricerca (e ricercatori)

Riceviamo questo articolo, pubblicato su una rivista spagnola , a cura di Ilaria Campana, una delle nostre osservatrici dai traghetti, che sta applicando le metodologie di ricerca in uno studio che sta conducendo in Spagna. Siamo veramente lieti di questo suo personale successo, costruito grazie anche alla perseveranza nel lavoro realizzato per l'Accademia!