Friday, March 5, 2010

Paraffin Hand Wax Machines

Il Protocollo di Kyoto
Il Protocollo di Kyoto (.pdf) venne adottato 11 December 1997 at the Third Session of the Conference of Parties on Climate Change (established under the Framework Convention on Climate Change United Nations) and ratified by the European Union and the Member States May 31, 2002. For the entry into force of the Protocol, however, had to wait until February 16, 2005 because the provisions in it required that the text would become binding only when a group of nations, with an emission level of 55% of world total , it had ratified. This condition occurred in 2004, with ratification by Russia of the signatory countries now comprise 61.6% of total emissions. At present i paesi che hanno aderito e ratificato il Protocollo sono 184.

L'obiettivo principale che il documento si pone è quello di ridurre, a livello globale, le emissioni dei gas legati all'effetto serra (biossido di carbonio, metano, ossido di diazoto, idrofluorocarburi, perfluorocarburi ed esafluoruro di zolfo) e il target fissato è di una riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra pari almeno al 5% nel quinquennio 2008-2012, utilizzando come parametri di riferimento i valori del 1990. Il documento prevede impegni di riduzione differenziati da paese a paese e, nel caso dell’Unione Europea, l’obiettivo prevede la riduzione delle emissioni per un valore pari almeno all’8%.
Secondo la relazione dell’Agenzia europea per l’ambiente , resa pubblica nel novembre 2009, l'Unione Europea riuscirà a rispettare gli obiettivi fissati a Kyoto e a procedere, entro il 2012, ad una riduzione totale pari a circa il 13% rispetto all'anno di riferimento. Tale risultato, purché indubbiamente positivo, non deve tuttavia essere sovrastimato poiché si deve considerare che tale obiettivo non è stato raggiunto solamente attraverso il taglio delle emissioni ma attraverso un sistema combinato di politiche che hanno visto i paesi europei acquistare crediti derivanti da progetti finalizzati a ridurre le emissioni localizzati all’esterno del territorio europeo, procedere allo scambio di quote di emissione da parte dei paesi partecipanti al sistema di scambio EU emission allowances (the so-called Emission Trading Scheme) and implement measures aimed at increasing forest cover and forestry is intended to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. By 2020, the objective that the EU has expressed a wish to achieve is rather more ambitious and involves a 20% cut in emissions (by using, in this case, as benchmark data in 1990). This decision is part of the strategy called "Climate Action" , which provides a 20% reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases, reduce by 20% energy consumption and meet 20% of energy needs through the use of renewable sources.

Despite the positive results of the Kyoto Protocol by the European Union still has the elements of weakness that severely limit their potential. The first is certainly represented by the non-ratification of the Protocol by the United States, who have always opposed any commitment to the principles of the Kyoto Protocol. The second is represented by the fact that countries like China and India are reluctant to impose limits on their emissions, at a time in which their economic growth is becoming increasingly significant. This behavior is based on the assumption that they were being poorly industrialized countries until the early 90s can not be imputed to them the same responsibilities as other countries in having given the current situation and, therefore, must be first-standing polluters to cut emissions and only then the newly industrialized countries. When you consider that China alone produces 22% of global emissions and the United States 18% is easy to understand how the unwillingness of the two superpowers to impose limits on emissions is an obstacle very apparent effectiveness of a concerted policy global emissions reduction. In this context, several countries are operating in a independent, trying to draw up plans for long-term reduction. As an example, Obama said recently that the U.S. will reduce their emissions by 28% by 2020 while at the same time frame, China, according to a statement of Hu Jintao, will reduce the emissions of an unspecified "significant margin ". The real challenge for the coming years is to be able to reach a new agreement that allows to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012, not an easy undertaking as demonstrated by the poor results obtained in the Copenhagen Summit

documents about:
2002/358/EC: Decision Council of 25 April 2002 concerning the approval, on behalf of the European Community, of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the joint fulfillment of commitments

the European Climate Change Climate

Full text of the Kyoto Protocol


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