Monday, January 25, 2010

Proper 25th Birthday Invitation

NO VAT 2010 - MEET IN ROME, Saturday, February 13


La Piattaforma del No Vat 2010

Il 13 Febbraio 2010 per il quinto anno scendiamo ancora in piazza contro il Vaticano per denunciarne l’invadenza nella politica italiana: è infatti uno degli attori che agiscono nelle complesse dinamiche di potere sottese a un sistema autoritario e repressivo.

L'11 febbraio 1929 i Patti Lateranensi sancivano la saldatura tra Vaticano e regime fascista, today, waving the crucifix right to justify a moral order in line with the fundamentalism of the Vatican hierarchy, to build a national identity are exploiting the racist and heterosexist a declination of citizenship and family life.

On the one hand the right criminalize immigrants and immigrants, to instigate a real "man hunt" them / their representative as the competition in access to public resources and none addresses the problem of a dismantled welfare and not drawn on a social model that no longer exists. On the other hand the Catholic church only legitimate model of society based on traditional heterosexual family, the divisione dei ruoli sessuali, dove un genere è subordinato all'altro e lesbiche, gay e trans non hanno alcun diritto di cittadinanza.

Su un altro fronte, destra moderata e sinistra riformista attuano il tentativo di procedere ad un'assimilazione selettiva dei soggetti minoritari sulla base della disponibilità espressa a offrirsi docilmente a legittimare discorsi razzisti, eterosessisti e repressivi. E' prevista l'inclusione solo di quelle soggettività che non mettono in discussione il potere: c'è un piccolo posto anche per gay, lesbiche e trans e per altre figure della diversità, purché confermino l'ordine razzista, sessista e repressivo.

In questo quadro, nel movimento lgbtq, abbiamo assistito the emergence of "new" subjects who use words in order to produce a reversal of reality: to protect the supposed subjectivity weak put their executioners. Who legitimizes these "new" subject, helps to produce a further shift to the right, to normalize the presence of the radical right in public debate.

Out of these struggles to power, we note the widespread and oppressive presence of Catholic ethics, a policy model that proposes as the only alternative to "renew" the moralism and justicialism. We know today that if the Vatican seems to be less interventionist is only because he does not need: already in our country has a monopoly of the 'ethics' that embraces equally the government and parliamentary opposition to compete - as always - to kneel at the altar of justicialism doing good and hypocritical.

reject the attempt to expropriate the movements of lesbian, gay, trans and feminist, of basic categories such as anti-fascism, or the political ambiguity would end up making our subjectivity complicit in this order granting a moral and political legitimacy victimizing minority and in exchange for the suppression of addiction.

Contrast this power, where not tame, and represses, through the Vatican's moral order, it assumes devices of discipline and social control that they deny any kind of self-determination: self-determination and social and economic integration of migrants, self-determination of bodies and lifestyles of women, gays, lesbians and transsexuals, each path of self-organization, dissent and of conflict.

denounce that when the process of domestication does not use the prison, the CIE (centers for identification and expulsion), repression, fear, boredom, loneliness, and intimidation to neutralize the criminalization of the elements dissent unexpected and unmanageable: migrant movements, students, male and female workers, the unemployed / e.

reaffirm that anti-racism, anti-fascism, anti-sexism are fights, necessary to each other, to be carried out even against the instrumental use of the freedoms of women and LGBT model to strengthen and legitimize a racist.

to Piazza nell'acutizzarsi our paths of self-determination of the economic crisis and the dismantling of the welfare state - in particular schools and universities - which leaves plenty of space to private and sectarian.

reaffirm the diversity and differences in social, sexual, cultural and national identity against the racist and heterosexist we want to impose moral order and against the Vatican.

We bring to the streets of liberation for our paths to reiterate our willingness to act nello spazio pubblico per produrre trasformazione sociale e culturale.


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