Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saln Customer Info Forms

Milan, Feb. 3, with Purple Marcasciano

For the liberation of desires by stereotypes and prejudices,
for an affirmation of sexuality as a free / on your body

ASSEMBLY with Purple Marcasciano

exponent of the historical movement LGBT

February 3 15.00 happening

Via Varchi 1 (mm3 Maciachini, passing Bovisa bus 90.91)

The space freed ESTUGADONDA

free minds free bodies

How To Change E46 Handbrake

ASSEMBLY View from the street

"Prostitution" - out of Unit 2008/2009 Road Gruppo Abele
addressed with ad hoc monitoring
(trans, minor, Italian and Moroccan)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 ~ 9.00 to 13.30 ~

Cavoretto of OASIS - Road Saint Lucia, 89 - frazione Cavoretto (TORINO)*


Fotografie e metodo delle uscite settimanali dell’Unità di strada (Nigeria e Paesi dell’Est)

Claudia De Coppi – Referente Unità di strada, Gruppo Abele

Ricadute delle ordinanze sul lavoro delle unità di strada a livello nazionale

Ornella Obert, Responsabile Sportello giuridico InTi

Focus ad hoc: minori, transessuali, persone marocchine, cinesi e italiane

Claudia De Coppi – Referente Unità di strada, Gruppo Abele

Focus: donne marocchine in strada

Es Sadia Bissati - Mediatrice culturale, Unità di strada Gruppo Abele

Focus: donne italiane in strada

Don Ugo Bellucci - Volontario Unità di strada Gruppo Abele

Focus: minori in strada

Paola Giordano - Ufficio minori stranieri, Comune di Torino

Focus: transessualità in strada

Porpora Marcasciano - Presidente MIT (Movimento identità transessuale) Bologna

Conclusioni e coordinamento

Mirta Da Pra Pocchiesa - Prostitution and trafficking Project Manager, Gruppo Abele

the day will be Teresa Angela Migliasso - Councillor for Social Welfare and Labour, the Piedmont Region.

Participation in the seminar is free, registration required.
You can have lunch at the Oasis by reservation (see registration form).

For information: Organizing Committee:

Valentina Malcotti (tel. 011 3841021 fax 011 3841025 e-mail: )

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Aspergers And Drivers Li


Le ultime notizie circa la ridefinizione del quadro orario del liceo delle scienze umane e della relativa opzione sembrano confermare (ma non ne avevamo bisogno, lo sapevamo già :-P) la fondatezza delle rivendicazioni che già da diversi mesi erano state avanzate.
L'assurdo formativo sembra evitato, i "giovani" appassionati di scienze umane potranno avere garantito il proprio diritto ad una "vera" formazione in quel settore disciplinare.
Si spera che le tante indicazioni date da vari organi istituzionali vengano recepite e tradotte nero su bianco nelle sedi competenti, intanto aspettiamo, con un pizzico di ottimismo in più.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fluconazole Can You Drink On This?

dot the i

. Editorial

of Purple Marcasciano
Vice President MIT Bologna

striking lately, listen to (in assemblies) or read (on the many documents and press releases that run) the connotation of "doing philosophy" as opposed to "work" the latter no doubt much more useful than mere theory implicit in the concept of "doing philosophy". I also hit a series of steps or positions referred to the "failure" of the movement / policy / trans associations that there has been until now. Clear that standing in the gap Years 70 and far from being clear that I am over that part of the movement of association also called GLT MIT which this year celebrated its 30 year history. Clear that in 30 years of history I find it hard to discern between philosophy (theory) and practice, to discern between what were the practices and the thought that what he claimed, I find it difficult simply because the two things for me, have traveled together. I find it difficult to consider what has been done so far, pure and simple "theory" all the more when I think I suffered violence, fist fights that I am taken by the Fascists (three times), to those police officers that I / we stopped, we were spend the night in jail. I find it hard thinking of when I was arrested (November 1979) for obscene acts in public place (4 days of isolation at Regina Coeli and three months to the process for summary). I can hardly even thinking about the thousands of events-protests-protest to shed light in the wilderness around us. Above all, I think that it's hard to do / work (as stated somewhere) now have to demolish what you did yesterday.
Just because I find it hard to understand, I try to do some 'order (good one), to do some' working memory and .... put some icing on the cake
For almost all the 70 years I have attended and especially beat up to found the gay scene, along with Marco Sanna, the Collective Narciso later became Circle M. Mieli. I started attending meetings of the MIT exactly when we fought for the Law 164 we got 14 April 1982. In the square along with the many trans, all united in MIT, were the radical comrades in the struggle continues, and the Manifesto of the then PCI ... there were no beams! In light of the "failures" of the theory and feared "reproached" we can consider that a victory in the 164? We can state that was also a victory for MIT? From there I'd leave, because that victory seems like a good starting point to answer the slanders of some care amiche (non compagne) T che sembrano trovare nell’avversione al MIT il loro unico motivo di essere.
E per non tirarla lunga, mi soffermo anche sulla descrizione di alcuni servizi e progetti del MIT e relativi risultati (in numeri certificati) per rispondere alle care T che vedono in quello che si è fatto fino ad ora pura teoria o fallimento.
Comincio da
1) Consultorio diventato oggi Struttura Convenzionata USL con in carico 650 utenti; due gruppi di auto aiuto (uno FtM e uno MtF) che seguono 14 persone; sostegno diretto e telefonico (nell’anno 2009) registrate 1200 telefonate da tutta Italia delle quali 350 per informazioni e consigli, 200 di sostegno a distanza, 190 per motivi legali, 220 per motivi sanitari, 180 and 60 various other services. The Counseling work online with all the towns in the MIT Oniga part. E 'open from Monday to Friday from 10 to 18.
2) New Rights CGIL door open since 1997. You do not have the precise data of 13 years of activity, but to stop last year: 12 people or incurred in seeking work; 8 persons incurred in cases of harassment and discrimination; 5 people followed in the practice of disability and support.
3) Artemis Project (MIT-Municipality of Bologna) harm reduction interventions in the world of street prostitution and in the apartment. Active since 1997. In the last year of Road Unit 6217 contacts were made in the streets, distributed 11,352 condoms, Accompanied 90 people to services. The material to be distributed shall be prepared by MIT and is used by all the Italian designers Harm Reduction. Established a secure location at the time that Article 18 of the following two people.
4) Service. MIT operates three small apartments to meet the emergency housing for all / and those who are in difficulties. In one year, made five receptions.
5) Start working 14 bags in 15 years, 12 job placement.
6) 4 European projects undertaken since 1999 as an association, including sponsoring an EQUAL project and participated in 23 projects as partners. Projects that have had communication, information, politics and above all work.
7) Assistance in prison. Until There were MIT has assisted and supported the trans inmates in the prison of Bologna Dozza.
8) advice and training to major associations and projects of harm reduction.
9) Documentation Centre with all the Italian texts on the subject.
What do I do again? The
Divergent Transgendered Film Festival now in its third edition. The photo exhibition on transsexuality in the history and culture available to all those who want to expose it. In 2000 he organized Transits (Science and Cultural International Conference on transsexualism and gender identity), where the guest of honor was Sylvia Rivera, Italy invited by MIT. MIT has been a member of the Equal Opportunities Commission (Also contributing to its realization) in the Ministry of Equal Opportunities chaired by Senator Balbo and then by Catia Belillo, then canceled the second Berlusconi government (trans remember this right). All that the MIT has created and has been possible in a political context (the Bolognese) that we want it, do not forget, especially before going to ask for crumbs to Maroni. In recent years MIT has worked to build and establish relationships with all the associations of the GLBT movement. It is indeed involved in constructing the structure of the Trans Counseling Kind of Torre del Lago, in virtue of the fact that a project was Regina (MIT ever) that years working in Tuscany (is there?). When Oniga proposed to transform the T dysphoria in rare disease, MIT held a meeting open to all Italian reality Trans ALL (is there?) And from there, given the importance of comparison, was created the Coordination Sylvia Rivera, although this does not come down to someone, it was not the long arms of the MIT Marcasciano I saw it was open to all and we were all inside. ... VI RESULTS? Former Care of various associations do you remember how many times you have invited MIT to discuss and collaborate .... I understand now why do not you agree, never to exploit or snare, but MIT did not mica needs you! Of these
Things I would have loved to speak in person in quite a public debate but the requests have always fallen on deaf ears. This is mainly because the Coordination T is accused of antagonism and especially since the MIT has never claimed anything nor place conditions, but since the measure is full ... it is good to dot the I. Otherwise, they say, that those who bows too it turns out the ass.
say that today the MIT has a policy that, having regard to the services offered, is not mere theory, philosophy nor simple, nor antagonism ... or even a failure! We say with pride that our work, but without becoming isolated and expanded in comparison, has always drawn in the wake of the rich and varied Sinistra, che ultimamente sembra non andare più di moda o molto più semplicemente non conviene più rivendicare…ebbene per noi tutto questo resta un dato di fatto e un grande motivo di orgoglio. I fascisti non ci sono mai piaciuti, ne quelli che picchiano ne quelli travestiti da agnelli, lo sforzo maggiore è quello di riconoscerli….per questo non ci piace andare a parlare con Maroni. Dopo la rivolta di Rosarno, dopo i suicidi e le violenze nei CIE, dopo l’aumento della violenza trans fobica, dopo i tanti no….sembra quasi che l’agnello vada a trattare con il lupo.
In Italia si diventa antagonisti o addirittura violenti appena ci si permette di dissentire. Una volta si litigava, ci si accapigliava ma si faceva, oggi basta una parola fuori luogo che partono denunce e la delazione…come in tempi tristi prende il posto della politica.


Proper 25th Birthday Invitation

NO VAT 2010 - MEET IN ROME, Saturday, February 13


La Piattaforma del No Vat 2010

Il 13 Febbraio 2010 per il quinto anno scendiamo ancora in piazza contro il Vaticano per denunciarne l’invadenza nella politica italiana: è infatti uno degli attori che agiscono nelle complesse dinamiche di potere sottese a un sistema autoritario e repressivo.

L'11 febbraio 1929 i Patti Lateranensi sancivano la saldatura tra Vaticano e regime fascista, today, waving the crucifix right to justify a moral order in line with the fundamentalism of the Vatican hierarchy, to build a national identity are exploiting the racist and heterosexist a declination of citizenship and family life.

On the one hand the right criminalize immigrants and immigrants, to instigate a real "man hunt" them / their representative as the competition in access to public resources and none addresses the problem of a dismantled welfare and not drawn on a social model that no longer exists. On the other hand the Catholic church only legitimate model of society based on traditional heterosexual family, the divisione dei ruoli sessuali, dove un genere è subordinato all'altro e lesbiche, gay e trans non hanno alcun diritto di cittadinanza.

Su un altro fronte, destra moderata e sinistra riformista attuano il tentativo di procedere ad un'assimilazione selettiva dei soggetti minoritari sulla base della disponibilità espressa a offrirsi docilmente a legittimare discorsi razzisti, eterosessisti e repressivi. E' prevista l'inclusione solo di quelle soggettività che non mettono in discussione il potere: c'è un piccolo posto anche per gay, lesbiche e trans e per altre figure della diversità, purché confermino l'ordine razzista, sessista e repressivo.

In questo quadro, nel movimento lgbtq, abbiamo assistito the emergence of "new" subjects who use words in order to produce a reversal of reality: to protect the supposed subjectivity weak put their executioners. Who legitimizes these "new" subject, helps to produce a further shift to the right, to normalize the presence of the radical right in public debate.

Out of these struggles to power, we note the widespread and oppressive presence of Catholic ethics, a policy model that proposes as the only alternative to "renew" the moralism and justicialism. We know today that if the Vatican seems to be less interventionist is only because he does not need: already in our country has a monopoly of the 'ethics' that embraces equally the government and parliamentary opposition to compete - as always - to kneel at the altar of justicialism doing good and hypocritical.

reject the attempt to expropriate the movements of lesbian, gay, trans and feminist, of basic categories such as anti-fascism, or the political ambiguity would end up making our subjectivity complicit in this order granting a moral and political legitimacy victimizing minority and in exchange for the suppression of addiction.

Contrast this power, where not tame, and represses, through the Vatican's moral order, it assumes devices of discipline and social control that they deny any kind of self-determination: self-determination and social and economic integration of migrants, self-determination of bodies and lifestyles of women, gays, lesbians and transsexuals, each path of self-organization, dissent and of conflict.

denounce that when the process of domestication does not use the prison, the CIE (centers for identification and expulsion), repression, fear, boredom, loneliness, and intimidation to neutralize the criminalization of the elements dissent unexpected and unmanageable: migrant movements, students, male and female workers, the unemployed / e.

reaffirm that anti-racism, anti-fascism, anti-sexism are fights, necessary to each other, to be carried out even against the instrumental use of the freedoms of women and LGBT model to strengthen and legitimize a racist.

to Piazza nell'acutizzarsi our paths of self-determination of the economic crisis and the dismantling of the welfare state - in particular schools and universities - which leaves plenty of space to private and sectarian.

reaffirm the diversity and differences in social, sexual, cultural and national identity against the racist and heterosexist we want to impose moral order and against the Vatican.

We bring to the streets of liberation for our paths to reiterate our willingness to act nello spazio pubblico per produrre trasformazione sociale e culturale.

Headaches Three Weeks After Taking Plan B



un progetto del Circolo Pink di Verona

Gli episodi di violenza verbale e spesso fisica ai danni di persone gay, lesbiche e transessuali sono in continuo and alarming increase.

Today more than ever it is time to lift your head and tell and denounce this violence also remain anonymous. The club Pink

provides two phone numbers and emails for listen, gather those facts that happen to Verona.

We are! We deal with all forms of discrimination and intolerance. Say No! homophobia and transphobia.

All reports that will come will be dealt with according to their severity and specificity. A network of lawyers / and, spicologi / and professionals in the world of work and on the national associations are partners in this project. With the support of "network" we can intervene most effectively where there be a discrimination. Where will it be possible to intervene with specific cultural activities and training.

Violence is not just beating, often the most difficult to deal with and identify what is not seen: the jokes, the insults, bullying in the workplace, the difficulties of living one's homosexuality and transsexuality.
These forms of violence are unfortunately prevalent in many areas: the family, workplace, school, groups, the bar, the streets, meeting places for gay, lesbian and trans.

not be afraid to make you feel, we go out from this silence.

info and details of the project:


Monday, January 4, 2010

Rook Piercing Problems Infections


of Purple Marcasciano
Vice President MIT Bologna
June 22, 2010

dot the i's
Purple Marcasciano
Vice President MIT Bologna
January 25, 2010

Purple Marcasciano
Vice President MIT Bologna

January 4, 2010


Pokemon Soul Silver Online Play For Free


. Editorial

of Purple Marcasciano
Vice President MIT Bologna

do not think I say nothing new in stating / confirming the fact that, apart from being hostile to us, is fundamentally mistaken : the trans, the glbt, Italian .... that democratic. And 'as if he had lost the sense of things, meaning "sense of things" in its real meaning, in philosophical terms that hermeneutics, ie the logic and coherence that give meaning and significance to an action, to experience, to a life. To be understood to mean the hermeneutic patriarchal thinking, logic, actions that support the system that recognizes and formalizes the male power; hermeneutics fascist is one that recognizes and formalizes the power of the bourgeoisie, nationalism and the defense of the status. As a community that recognizes and formalizes equality, internationalism, the transformation of the status quo. There hermeneutics Catholic or monotheist the Hindu, animist, etc.. There is the capitalist or market where logic and sense is exclusively that of consumption, the most in vogue in these times. There is short, or rather there should be, the nature of things their intrinsic consistency simply means that much recognition, clarity .... thread of human experience. It sometimes happens that this thread, after it was fortunately found and painstakingly followed, is lost or broken. The guilt of what could be charged to the inability to follow that thread or not (as I believe) for a precise calculation or project against the wire.


What should or could essere l'ermeneutica T? Le risposte a questa domanda potrebbero essere diverse e anche discordanti, ma partendo dalla semplicità e dall'essenzialità del nostro percorso di liberazione (più o meno 1969-2009) poiché è sul percorso di liberazione che riesco a basarmi (non su quello della negazione), potrei dire che il "senso delle cose T" è quello rintracciabile nello Spirito di Stonewall, quello mirabilmente interpretato da Sylvia Rivera, una delle sue più note protagoniste che in quello spirito per anni ha urlato no rigts no peace. Fin qui tutte/i direbbero (a ragione) di riconoscersi e di rifarsi a quel principio, ma, mi sia concesso il dubbio, ne siamo sicuri? Siamo sicuri che il senso dato alla nostra vita e alle Our battle is that? We are sure that today, the year 2010, the construction of meaning is that of liberation and not that of patriarchy, or the market .... or fascism? The doubt comes over me because being surrounded by (or surrounded) by the logic of sense, the risk of being absorbed, swallowed up and become surrogates is very high. As if to say that when you are in the toilet no longer feel the smell!
I can not understand trans, gays and lesbians say they are right, my understanding is really hard! For this meeting of December 19 Roman I was surprised by the arguments (if there were any) of those who retorted to my / our appeal to anti and conviction of the openings to the the right wants us dead. I pause to reflect on this because these people say the opposite, namely that there would be in the right place for us, thus canceling the construction of meaning and hermeneutics fascist, based on history, politics and philosophy if not mistaken has three key principles "God, country, family" in which a different (but consistent) all the rights are based. If you do not recognize this is how not to recognize that Vesuvius is in Naples and the Mole is in Turin.
method tried and now consolidated the neo-fascists is to scream, almost always without argument, accusing the other of a lack of respect, lack of democracy, lack of recognition .... they call, blather, do not say anything except that others are violent. Whatever it becomes
counters for their violence, including my / our discounted anti-fascism. And to be political corect eventually merge or wolves and lambs, as they say, who bows too it turns out the ass!
But returning to the path T, what does this have my exursus? I state that I put what I should say at the beginning to end, but that far from 1969 (now seems a distant era) when Sylvia threw the bottle at the police that the oppressed, a sign known and recognized as the beginning of the liberation of famous "first time" today, what is the meaning of things? This could be the title of a future seminar! Cosa è successo nel mondo e soprattutto in Italia in questi 40 anni? Cosa è cambiato da quegli anni in cui all'oppressione secolare rispondevamo con la sovversione della nostra favolosa esperienza? Qual è la differenza tra il "metterci la vita" delle nostre sorelle pioniere (ricordate Roberta, Sandra, Gianna e tutte le altre?) e l'essere T oggi?
Perché quelle (le prime) erano/eravamo considerate da certi pulpiti le cattive ragazze, quello che succede oggi con le brasiliane e.... tra non molto con tutte/i noi?
Come mai a livello legislativo tutto si è fermato al 14 Aprile 1982 quando fu approvata la L.164 l'unica per tutto il panorama GLBT? Come mai il pregiudizio e la violenza nei nostri confronti che sembravano scemare, sono oggi prepotentemente aumentati? Come mai urliamo e non ci capiamo tra di noi, non ci diciamo più niente, non ci ascolta più nessuno? Ci affanniamo per apparire a tutti i costi rischiando di non essere viste più neanche da Bernadette?
A queste domande non ho una risposta chiara, soprattutto non ho una ricetta, guai se pensassi di averla, sarebbe un chiaro segno di arroganza e ipocrisia. Ma riprendendo quel famoso filo conduttore, il filo della liberazione, basandomi sull´insegnamento della storia (intendo la nostra) e delle pioniere, facendo un po´ di esercizio di memoria, ritornando a fare una sana e vitale autocoscienza, recuperando lo spirito di Stonewall ....forse dalla lacuna della disperazione riusciamo ad uscire!
Mi siano concesse alcune piccole e brevi note: au debut, (la famosa prima volta) si partecipava! Perché oggi si delega?
Le grandi proteste che rientravano tutte nel processo di liberazione che attraversava il mondo, non erano monopolizzate da nessuno, ne tantomeno fagocitate, deviate, sminuite! Perché oggi si fa a gara a mettere il cappello su tutto? Ai rampolli della destra diffido (e tutti noi dovremmo farlo) dal mettere le mani su quel processo semplicemente perché non gli appartiene e che invece mi appartiene (in quanto libertaria, antagonista, rivoluzionaria) e ci appartiene a tutte e tutti nello spirito di Stonewall.
Quando parliamo di trans/omofobia, riusciamo ad uscire dall'ermeneutica patriarcale, defining violence against us as an expression of that system, calling the violence with his name and that is fascism, otherwise it will be a random fact, like a sudden summer storm, a sign of a sick mind, supporting the idea that those who insist on seeing it as a punishment from God. This controversy is not even in response to the intervention of Fabianna Tozzi assembly of 19 in Rome when he wondered why some associations "lose time" in the highlight and emphasize their anti-fascism!
We can see in what happened in Turin at the exhibition basic necessities to the clear and obvious sign of how much support?
If the Sylvia Rivera Coordination, will manage to do self-consciousness, working memory, to recognize the smell the stench, to recover their history in the spirit of Stonewall succeed .... we do!

Cooking Frozen Sausages


The Pink Club Verona expresses its solidarity with the photographer's exhibition " basic necessities," and
Maurice of Turin Club, organizer of the same. We know the meaning of these threats, which should not be underestimated, they make us understand the climate of intolerance and obscurantism that often surrounds the efforts of gay organizations lesbiche e transgender, questa mostra ne è un esempio. A tutte le persone transessuali ritratte, un grazie per aver prestato, ancora una volta, la propria faccia per questa iniziativa.

Il Circolo Pink

Vitamin C Used As A Hair Color Remover


Comunicato Stampa

Minacce al fotografo della mostra "Generi di prima necessità"

04 Gennaio 2010

Sul blog di forza nuova sono apparse minacce palesi al fotografo della mostra sulla visibilità trans " Generi di prima necessità " a seguito del comunicato stampa di denuncia sugli atti vandalici ad una foto rovinata con una svastica e una croce celtica. Perciò a seguito di queste minacce al fotografo della mostra da noi voluta, promossa e realizzata, anche grazie ai patrocini e contributi degli enti pubblici, chiediamo l'immediata cancellazione di queste minacce che di seguito riportiamo e se questo non avvenisse l'oscuramento del blog.

31 dicembre

P.S: dove abita l'artista?

Mirko con calma ci stiamo informando

l' augurio che rivolgo agli autori di questa provocazione è che il 2010 gli riservi profonde lesioni rettali in seguito a ripetute violenze subite da manipoli di viados.. per il resto, spero che i camerati torinesi sappiano farsi sentire

1 gennaio

P.S. allora, l'indirizzo di 'sto cazzo d'artista,che andiamo a manifestare il nostro motivato entusiasmo artistico...

2 gennaio
ecco il pane per i suoi denti

si chiama A. F. ... un nome da tenere a mente.

Ufficio Stampa Coordinamento Torino Pride lgbt