Friday, August 7, 2009

How Long Does Oxys Stay In System When Snorted


Climate change campaign launched to stop play - for Europe climate

The European Commission and MTV Network , July 15 launched the campaign last "Play to stop - climate for Europe."
campaign that lasts six months and aims to mobilize young people on this issue - also in view of the climate conference to be held in Copenhagen in December 2009 - involving 11 EU member states, including Italy.
provides television commercials, Internet broadcasts, plays and concerts in the cities of Stockholm, Copenhagen and Budapest, as well as editorial content that MTV Networks will devote to the fight against climate change.
The European Union Environment Commissioner, Stavros Dimas commented on the launch of campaign "the youth of today will have to bear the shock wave of climate change. The Copenhagen Conference is probably the last chance we have to deal with these changes before they become uncontrollable. Events such as Play to stop is crucial because young people are a very significant pressure group. "
The issue of climate change has entered the European Union's agenda for several years and is believed to be one of the most serious threats to our planet.
For this reason the EU has promoted a series of policies, including their integration, aiming to take over the responsibility of the higher heating globale che è appunto l’emissione di gas ad effetto serra e di altre sostanze prodotte dalle attività umane, oltre alla deforestazione.
Dal 1997, anno in cui è stato firmato il protocollo di Kyoto, l’Unione Europea ha cercato di portare avanti misure concrete per la lotta ai cambiamenti climatici che in sintesi sono state :
Nel 1997: Protocollo di Kyoto : ratificato da 55 paesi è entrato in vigore nel febbraio 2005. Tutti i paesi firmatari si sono impegnati a ridurre del 5,2% in media le proprie emissioni di gas serra.
I 15 paesi che allora costituivano l’Unione Europea hanno preso un impegno ulteriore di ridurre dell’8% (come illustrato all’allegato II della Decision 2002/358/EC of the European Council). Were also introduced mechanisms to encourage investment in clean energy projects in developing countries. The United States has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol, but the program of the new President Barack Obama seems to want to go in this direction and contribute to achieving the same objectives. In June 2000
: Based on two communications COM (2000) 88 and COM (2001) 580 was established on the European Climate Change Programme (ECCP) . Managed by the European Commission has put in place a new system of trading of gas emissions and to propose measures energy standards for buildings and for regulations to restrict the use of certain industrial gases that contribute to global warming. .
In 2005 The European Commission adopted the Communication " Winning the Battle Against Global Climate Change" that the following year led to the Countryside "Change - You control climate change" with the aim of raise awareness among European citizens to act directly fighting the feeling of helplessness over the issue. At the same time, the European Commission adopted the Green Paper for the period 2007 - 2010 laying the foundations for an integrated energy policy.
In 2007: The European Commission presented its "Energy and Climate Change Package" that the package is known as "20 - 20 - 20". The main objectives are in fact: the 20% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, an increase of 20% renewable energy and energy savings of 20% of consumption, through energy efficiency. All to be completed by 2020.
These measures show that the way forward is that of an integrated policy on energy and climate change, providing climate-friendly economy based on innovative technologies and new energy resources. In this context, it becomes crucial to the future role in countries like China and India in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.
But it is also important to the leading role that citizens can play in combating climate change because "the personal contribution of each of us can make a difference. Even simple everyday actions can help reduce emissions without compromising the quality of our lives. In fact, saving. " And this is the motto of the campaign "Change - You control climate change" promoted by the European Commission, which are a series of suggested actions for clima.
Quindi, visto che la Terra è nostra e ce n’è una sola……facciamo sentire la nostra voce e partecipiamo anche noi a “Play to stop – Europe for climate”!


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