Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why Do Women Get Jealous Of Other Women

Document A036

The reform addresses the Italian high school will require, starting in 2010, drastic changes compared to the numbers of teachers. Among the classes of competition most affected include the renamed A036 A017 (philosophy, psychology and social sciences). They are in fact completely erased the "socio-psycho-educational secondary schools, which will be converted to" high schools of the humanities. " The cut time in the disciplines of address is heavy: it passes from four hours per week to zero in two years, and seven hours (which increased in the last five years) to four in three years. In addition to hitting hard the teachers of the class A036, the reform removes any specificity of the human sciences in high school. Would call "grammar school" in an address in greek and Latin are studied for a total of only four hours a week and only in three years? Would call "high school" an address in which mathematics and physics are studied for only four hours in three years? Why then hypocritically call "school of human sciences" a high school where discipline is studied more than any of the humanities?
The direct comparison between a former high school social-psycho-pedagogical and the new high school humanities reveals, inexorably, the non-specificity of the new address.
disciplines such as psychology, sociology and pedagogy converge and disappear from the curriculum in a discipline unspecified "human sciences", debasing the diversity, the diversity and the individual educational value of the specific disciplines.
The paradox inherent in this view of the human sciences is to want to approach the student directly to a framework of studies, visions and perspectives so heterogeneous (the humanities in fact), without providing at the outset a clear vision of the disciplines that make up the field of study. It would be educationally correct to familiarize the learner first individual disciplines (psychology, sociology, education) and only then try to bring down disciplinary boundaries and converge towards an interdisciplinary study of human and social problems.
Not to mention the loss of students who, perhaps naively, choose an address socio-psycho-pedagogical because "fascinated" by psychological or social issues and problems, but whose curiosity would hardly magnetized by an unspecified discipline as "human sciences ".
We may also wonder what the value is likely to have the new preparatory course of study outlined by the reform, which is the school of human sciences, with a view to continuing the path di studi verso facoltà universitaria specifiche come psicologia, sociologia o scienze dell’educazione: che la nuova riforma possa scoraggiare un eventuale iscrizione a queste facoltà è un problema da tenere in seria considerazione.
Un rapido sguardo ai test d’ingresso a queste facoltà chiarisce come le competenze, abilità e conoscenze richieste in ingresso per l’accesso a queste facoltà difficilmente possano essere acquisite da un alunno proveniente da un liceo delle scienze umane.
Questo pesante taglio orario è aggravato anche dal fatto che filosofia non sarà più di competenza dei docenti della A036. In sostanza, i docenti della A036 perderanno rispetto ad ogni sezione (dalla prima alla quinta) fewer than 24 hours per week, which corresponds to a cut of about three chairs every two sections.
The cut will be lighter only in "high school of social sciences" that become "colleges of human sciences - social and economic option". In this case you will lose about 10 hours for each section in respect to matters of address, which will add another 9 hours for the removal of the teaching of philosophy in all, then 19 hours, that is a chair for each section. At present
likely to jump at least one third of total staff (as well as precarious, then would lose their place too many teachers with tenure).
Calcolare i tagli alle cattedre in ogni singola provincia è un’operazione abbastanza semplice, per non dire assolutamente immediata. La riforma delle scuole superiori colpisce numerose classi di concorso, ma i docenti dalla A036 (ora A017) rischiano di essere quelli che pagheranno il prezzo più alto in termini di posti di lavoro.
Alla luce delle problematiche fin qui esposte, riteniamo auspicabile una maggiore riflessione degli organi preposti al fine di:
1. salvaguardare la valenza formativa dell’ex liceo socio – psico –pedagogico;
2. tutelare la specificità delle singole discipline (psicologia, sociologia, pedagogia);
3. garantire un percorso formativo veramente propedeutico agli studi universitari di settore;
4. valorizzare le competenze specifiche dei docenti della classe A036;
5. mantenere, all’interno del panorama dei percorsi di studi rientranti nell’obbligo scolastico, un percorso formativo che consenta agli alunni di confrontarsi con le discipline elencate al punto 2, le quali, pur suscitando la curiosità e l’interesse degli adolescenti rischierebbero, stante la riforma prospettata, di potere essere studiate solo in caso di prosecuzione degli studi universitari.


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