Monday, June 8, 2009

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Newsletter del coordinamento toscano dei Centri Europe Direct

Innovazione, ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico. La competitività delle imprese europee


Crisi economica e Finanziaria: la risposta del Parlamento Europeo
Bruxelles, 14 maggio 2009
Il Parlamento Europeo ha avuto un ruolo di primo piano nella risposta dell’Unione Europea alla crisi finanziaria ed economica. Come colegislatori, i parlamentari hanno approvato nuove leggi per alleviare l’impatto della crisi e prevenirne di nuove. Tra le misure adottate ci sono un maggior coordinamento tra le autorità nazionali di supervisione nel settore finanziario, una migliore regolazione dei mercati finanziari, e requisiti più severi sul risk management, il rating nel settore del credito e la solvibilità. Misure sono state prese anche per stimolare la ripresa economica.Il Parlamento Europeo ha inoltre stretto accordi con gli Stati Membri perché queste leggi diventino efficaci in tempi rapidi e ne hanno others suggested the Commission, which proposed initiatives to improve the transparency of the financial market and coordinate financial supervision.
News (in English)
More info (in English) meet the multilingual site with the press about Europe
Brussels, 26 May 2009
is a collaboration between the European Commission and a consortium of newspapers led by the Courrier International PRESSEUROP.EU the first multilingual web site that brings together articles, press releases, images and newspaper archives devoted to the issues of the Union provides a selection of articles published the same day or the day before, selected taking into account the relevance and importance. The news about politics, economy, society, world, environment, science, culture, ideas, etc ... Currently the news is available in 10 languages, which in future should be 23, how many EU languages.
News (in English)

ELU: the way the project for distance learning via television
Brussels, 22 May 2009
are increasing services for distance learning through digital television interactive, and a team of researchers, funded by europea, sostiene questa tendenza attraverso lo sviluppo di strumenti e metodi complementari. Il progetto ELU ("Enhanced learning unlimited"), che ha ricevuto un finanziamento complessivo pari a 2,96 milioni di euro, fornirà agli insegnanti gli strumenti che permetteranno loro di collegarsi agli studenti "oltre" l’aula. Il consorzio ELU - che include centri di ricerca e aziende provenienti da Repubblica ceca, Francia, Grecia, Ungheria, Israele, Italia, Lituania, Lussemburgo e Slovenia - lavora a partire dalla convinzione che la tv possa essere lo strumento adeguato alla formazione continua. Il consorzio ha creato un insegnante virtuale e quiz interattivi, e ha sviluppato supporti per strumenti ausiliari. I partner del progetto have also developed "ELU Script", which describes each course, and "Authoring Tool", a tool that enables teachers to set up complex interactive courses through a virtual interface.

EU Blue Card, the most favorable conditions for skilled foreign workers
Brussels, 25 May 2009
The EU Council adopted May 25, 2009 a directive aimed at facilitating conditions entry and stay in the European Union by nationals of third countries to carry out highly skilled workers. The Directive establishes the most favorable conditions to attract workers qualified in the EU, creating a faster procedure for obtaining a special permit and work called "EU Blue Card " , which will facilitate access to the labor market and a series of socio-economic and advantageous conditions for family reunification and to move within the Union.
News (in English)

From Italy

State aid: Commission approves EU package Italian
Rome, May 25, 2009
The European Commission said yes to the Italian government: from Brussels reaches the green light to approve the aid package with temporary measures to adapt existing schemes and simplify access to risk capital for small and medium-sized enterprises, helping them to grow and offer new employment opportunities. approved a package of temporary measures, submitted by Italy, which facilitates the access to venture capital firms. The measure will allow more flexible investment in venture capital until 2010, in line with the temporary framework for the Community State aid measures to support access to finance in the current financial and economic crisis. "The current crisis - said the European commissioner for competition, Neelie Kroes - requires urgent responses. In a statement issued by the Commission explains that "the measure allows in particular to five venture capital schemes to bring up to 2010, the highest tranche of investment from 1.5 million to 2.5 million euro over a period of 12 months. The minimum amount of funding from private temporarily reduced from 50% to 30%. " The Brussels executive states that "the Italian measure for risk capital is the first authorized by the Commission." In particular, interventions will access to risk capital in favor of cooperative enterprises in the Marche Region ; Fund NEXT in Lombardy ; gli aiuti a favore degli investimenti in private equity da parte della Camera di commercio di Vicenza ; il Fondo di capitale di rischio per le Pmi nella Regione Campania .

Il Parlamento assegna il Premio del cittadino europeo a Don Ciotti e agli amministratori del Comune di Lula
Roma, 3 giugno 2009
Don Luigi Ciotti è tra i vincitori del “premio del cittadino europeo”, assegnato per la prima volta dal Parlamento europeo a 37 persone e ad associazioni di 15 Stati membri. Assieme al prete da anni in prima linea sulla lotta alla tossicodipendenza e all’AIDS in Italia, il premio, alla sua prima edizione, è stato attribuito anche agli amministratori del comune sardo di Lula. Solidarietà, tolleranza e integrazione europea sono i principi ispiratori del premio. Don Luigi Ciotti ha vinto soprattutto grazie all’iniziativa “ FLARE ”, freedom, legacy and rights in Europe”, una rete di sopravvivenza e lotta civile che combatte la criminalità a livello europeo. I cittadini di Lula, invece, in un contesto di anarchia e violenza praticata dalla criminalità organizzata, sono stati insigniti del riconoscimento del Parlamento europeo per aver accettato con coraggio di amministrare il comune durante il periodo 2002-2007. La giuria del “premio del cittadino europeo”, responsabile della scelta dei candidati vincitori, was chaired by President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Poettering.

From Tuscany

Structural Funds for 30 million businesses Tuscan
Florence, May 27, 2009
now be issued the notice of the Tuscany Region to allocate 30 million businesses in Tuscany , local authorities and local health authorities to fund investments in renewable energy (from solar, wind, hydropower, to biomass, geothermal energy), cogeneration and district heating.
Financing up to 40% of the total investment to combat the economic crisis and to give a raise to Tuscan enterprises in order to promote efficiency and sustainability in an increasingly complex, but with an eye tense environment. Under the Tuscan government, faced with the difficulties that individuals face is that the public must do its part by not intervening to help with rain but with targeted financial support and leverage in terms of regional GDP. The 30 million will be disbursed in two stages: first, there will be time to end of September to submit their applications and gain access to 21.7 million euro, while the second questions must be submitted by January 2010 for the remaining 7.5 million euro.

Sustainable tourism: the challenge of Tuscany
Florence, June 1, 2009
Tuscany aims to become a European destination of excellence to achieve this goal, the region will be able to combine development of economic activities of tourist destinations, the protection of the environmental, social and cultural land and improving the quality of the experience of both tourists and workers in tourism and local populations. Tuscany is aware that "economic development" and "sustainability" are not antagonistic goals, but goals to achieve together. Just from Tuscany and Florence started already November 2007 at "Euromeeting" , the project of a European network of sustainable and competitive tourism, closely followed by developments in its European Commission, which is matched locally to build a deal with the actors in the regional tourism system to renew and redefine the tourism of Tuscany (in line with the European agenda for a sustainable and competitive tourism in October 2007). The European network will be called " NECSTouR and Tuscany will be the promoter region together with the English region of Catalonia and the French Paca. NECSTouR itself as a permanent laboratory for discussion, a platform for sharing good pratiche, scambio di esperienze, sperimentazione di modelli condivisi di misurazione dei fenomeni e di dialogo sociale.


Forum: "L'impatto del cambiamento climatico sull'impiego"
Bruxelles, 22-23 giugno 2009
La DG Occupazione, Affari sociali e pari opportunità della Commissione Europea organizza il 22 ed il 23 Giugno 2009 un Forum avente per tema "L'impatto del cambiamento climatico sull'impiego", poiché i cambiamenti richiesti per ridurre le emissioni di CO2 avranno certamente effetti rilevanti sull'occupazione.
Gli obiettivi del forum sono:
a) the widespread public awareness of Europe within the expected changes and the new responsibilities that will be imposed in the medium term;
b) providing a data store for employers and trade unions to enable them to have information about organizations that have accepted the challenge and have taken positive measures aimed at anticipating change;
c) disseminate information about its practices to adapt to change and identify innovative solutions that make use of new technologies;
d) involve a wider public throughout the EU to focus their main expectations and their reasons to resist or adapt to climate change as a strategy
The Forum will be held European Commission premises in the building "Charlemagne in Brussels, just before the launch of Green Week 2009 organized by DG Environment .
More information (in English)

European week of work
Brussels, 24-25 June 2009
will be held in Brussels on the 16th edition of the European Week work on 'Europe's Labour Market - ensuring growth through human capital. " The event aims to illustrate the present as the European labor market in general is responding to the current economic situation in particular how about some factors such as competitiveness, innovation and restructuring, the conference will focus its attention on the value of human capital, particularly on the development of skills in order to evaluate how the workforce is facing the current economic situation. The event will include employers, representatives of social partners and experts to discuss and compare notes on the subject of work in Europe.
More information (in English)

Workshop on service-oriented computing
Pisa, 17-19 June 2009
The fourth edition of "European Young Researchers Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing "to be held in Pisa June 17 to 19, is designed to bring together students, young researchers already working in industry and recent graduates, the event aims to create a valuable forum for young researchers with valuable contributions of those already working in the field industriale.Scambiare information on the latest advances theory and practice of SOC (Service-Oriented Computing), to identify new research topics and define the future trends in the industry are among the main objectives of '-YR SOC (European Young Researchers-Service-Oriented Computing). More

Chess, a game of creativity and science
Siena, June 10, 2009
During 2009, European Year of Creativity and Innovation , the Europe Direct Information Centre of the University of Siena organized June 10, 2009 in collaboration with the Chamber Chess Association Mens Sana Siena, "Chess, a game of creativity and science." The initiative aims to attract young people to science, technology and their study through the game, revealing the many links with disciplines such as mathematics, physics, computer science. The event will take place in the palace of the Rector of the University of Siena, Via Banchi di Sotto 55. The program includes interventions from 11.00 am on the relationship between chess and creativity, through logic, mathematics and computer science by teachers of the University of Siena and Bologna and the Italian Chess Federation , in addition to the presentation of a 'experience in the therapeutic use of chess. In the afternoon from 15.00 there will be a simultaneous chess master Alexander Patelli.


Call for proposals for actions under the program "Intelligent Energy-Europe
The European Commission issued the notice on the 2009 CIP-IEE program for the promotion of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and energy diversification. The objectives of the call are to encourage energy efficiency and the rational use of energy resources, promoting new and renewable energy sources and promote energy diversification, promote energy efficiency and use of new and renewable sources of energy in transport. The contract funds projects to promote and spread as strategic studies in energy, setting up, expansion or reorganization of structures and instruments for energy development sostenibile, sviluppo di strutture di informazione e formazione. I beneficiari possono essere persone giuridiche pubbliche o private, organizzazioni internazionali e centro comune di ricerca della Commissione Europea. I progetti devono essere presentati da un partenariato di almeno tre soggetti indipendenti con sede in tre diversi stati ammissibili. Le risorse finanziarie disponibli ammontano a 65 milioni di euro, i contributi possono coprire fino ad un massimo del 75% dei costi ammissibili.
Scadenza: 25 giugno 2009
Maggiori informazioni

Carta universitaria Erasmus: invito specifico 2010
La Commissione Europea , con la comunicazione C101/55 , ha issued a specific call for the submission of candidatures for Erasmus University Charter. The Erasmus University Charter provides the framework for the cooperation at European level and a higher education institution can play in the Erasmus subprogramme on the program for 'lifelong learning . This announcement introduces a change from the past. In recent years, in fact, the submission of applications for the Erasmus University Charter was part of a general notice on the program for lifelong learning, which is published each autumn. With this announcement, however, the EU Commission decided to bring forward the deadline for the request and the grant of the Charter so as to enable interested parties to know the results of the application before the publication of the next general notice (and know if they can then submit proposals for Erasmus activities in it). The ban is aimed at higher education institutions wishing to participate for the first time in Erasmus and institutions that need to renew or intend to make modifications to the already obtained. Applicants must be established in one of the following countries: EU, EFTA-EEA countries and Candidate Countries.
Deadline: June 30, 2009

Brand new Call for proposal 2009 Programma Life+
La Commissione europea ha pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dell'Unione Europea C 111 del 15 maggio il bando 2009 relativo al Programma Life+.
Il bando riguarda le tre componenti del programma, ovvero:
a) natura e biodiversità
b) politica ambientale e governance
c) formazione e comunicazione
Le proposte possono essere presentate da enti pubblici e/o privati, soggetti e istituzioni registrati negli stati membri dell’Unione Europea. Il Budget per l’anno 2009 ammonta a 250.000.000 Euro, dei quali indicativamente 22.039.219 Euro destinata alla partecipazione italiana. In generale le sovvenzioni possono coprire fino al 50% delle spese ammissibili, except for projects concerning priority habitats or species of Birds and Habitats Directives, which may, however, receive subsidies of up to 75% of eligible expenses. Project proposals must be submitted to the National Authority competent ento September 15, 2009, the authorities then transmit the proposals to the European Commission with its comments by October 22, 2009.
Deadline: September 15, 2009
More information (in English)

Preparatory Action in the field of sport call 2009
The EU Commission has published in the Official Journal C 111/08 of 5.15 / 2009 the notice of the implementation of the Preparatory Action in the field of sport. The main purpose of the notice is to prepare future Community action in this area, according to the priorities set out in White Paper on Sport. The call is aimed at public or civil society organizations were established in the EU and intends to finance transnational projects to help identify and test networks and good practices in the field of sport for the following matters:
a) to promote physical activity health-enhancing;
b) promoting education and training in the field of sport;
c) promoting the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Europe by promoting lo sport per le persone disabili;
d) promozione della parità dei sessi nello sport.
Il bando dispone di uno stanziamento di 4 milioni di euro e i singoli progetti potranno beneficiare di un contributo UE che copre fino all’80% dei costi totali ammissibili.
Scadenza: 31 agosto 2009
Maggiori informazioni (in inglese)


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