Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why Do I Have Wet Period?

Newsletter del coordinamento toscano dei Centri Europe Direct

Approfondimento: Il dibattito sulla politica di coesione


Politica regionale - XXIV Stati Generali del CCRE: Enti Locali, “un New Deal local and regional
Malmö, April 24, 2009
A new "New Deal local and regional" is the concept as the final declaration produced by more than a thousand representatives of the regional powers have gathered in Malmö for the XXIV of the General Assembly CEMR, which ended April 24. Local authorities and regional authorities want to be at the forefront in the fight to the economic crisis and their potential contribution, the paper said, "has not been fully understood or used by the European Union nor the majority of European states." Yet, at this stage of economic crisis and recession, people are turning to their own enti più prossimi per ottenere aiuto, trovando però soggetti che non possiedono adeguati poteri né risorse economiche. Inoltre, gli investimenti dei Poteri locali hanno maggiori possibilità di ottenere risultati più rapidi rispetto di quelli effettuati ad altri livelli. I poteri territoriali chiedono quindi sia un maggior coinvolgimento politico che una accentuazione delle risorse economiche ad essi destinate, e lo chiedono sia all’Europa che ai governi nazionali: maggiore flessibilità dei fondi strutturali e degli aiuti di stato per poterli utilizzare in maniera più semplice e più creativa; aumento della parte di cofinanziamento da parte della Commissione europea; mezzi finanziari sufficienti per esercitare le loro responsabilità in social protection and assistance to victims of crisis. The local authorities do not stop there: in fact, are proposed as active and able to offer answers to other great challenges of contemporary society: climate change and sustainable development, demographic change from migration, up to the challenge of improving the quality services. In a sign of Europe, solidarity and cooperation.

European elections: the country's institutional
European Parliament Brussels, 23 April 2009
The European Parliament starts its communication strategy and information for the European elections of June 2009. The European Union is confronted with important policy choices that affect the daily lives of Europeans. By going to the polls, citizens are involved in these choices. For the first time since 1979, the corporate campaign of the European Parliament does not vary from country to country, but it's pan-European and uses the following tools: posters and three-dimensional installations, TV and radio, choice box (a box the size of a multimedia room where voters can register their views), the website dedicated to the European elections and the "social media" as MySpace, Facebook , Flickr and EU Tube. This is a corporate campaign che si rivolge direttamente a tutta la gamma di opinioni politiche utilizzando il principio del linguaggio non ufficiale e comprensibile per tutti.

Telefonia mobile: adottate nuove limitazioni ai prezzi
Strasburgo, 22 aprile 2009
Il 22 aprile il Parlamento Europeo, riunito in sessione plenaria a Strasburgo, ha adottato un Regolamento volto a garantire che gli utenti delle reti pubbliche di comunicazione mobile che viaggiano all’interno della Comunità non paghino prezzi eccessivi rispetto alle tariffe competitive nazionali, quando effettuano e ricevono chiamate, inviano e ricevono SMS e utilizzano servizi di trasmissione dati a commutazione package.
The maximum charges for voice calls, sending SMS messages and internet access made in another EU country (roaming) via mobile networks will be reduced progressively from July 2009 to July 2011. From 1 July 2009 will in fact already some new mandatory limits: an SMS will cost up to € 0.11 from the current 0.28 euro. As for calls from mobile abroad instead, by July 2011 the maximum price will decrease gradually from the current 0.46 euro, to a ceiling of € 0.35 per minute, while for calls received abroad will from the current 0.22 to € 0.11 per minute.

Agricoltura e sviluppo rurale: la Commissione Europea lancia il concorso per creare il nuovo logo biologico UE
Bruxelles, 21 aprile 2009
Con l'obiettivo di creare un nuovo logo dell'UE per l'agricoltura biologica che sia intelligente e creativo, l’UE dà la possibilità ai talenti europei emergenti di creare un logo che potrebbe essere stampato su milioni di confezioni di prodotti. Il nuovo logo biologico UE sarà obbligatorio per tutti i prodotti biologici preconfezionati provenienti dai 27 Stati Membri come previsto dagli standard di etichettatura. Inoltre, tutti i prodotti biologici non preconfezionati provenienti dall'UE o importati da paesi terzi potranno utilizzare il logo in maniera optional.
All European citizens, enrolled in high school art or graphics located within the European Union are encouraged to participate in this special international design competition. Three winners will be selected, the winner will receive a prize of 6,000 €. The second and third place respectively, will receive a prize of 3,500 and 2,500 €. Applications may be submitted through the special competition website (www.ec.europa.eu / organic-logo) until June 25, 2009.
The competition for the EU organic logo will be chaired by a panel of experts from agriculture and organic production and renowned international design professionals.

Energy Policy: The European Commission welcomes the adoption of climate and energy package
Brussels, April 23, 2009
The European Commission welcomes the formal adoption of the "climate and energy package and legislation to reduce CO2 emissions from new cars and fuels. The measures, approved last December, began in earnest Europe towards a low carbon emissions and help to increase energy security. The package sets legally binding targets to cut emissions of greenhouse gases until 20% below 1990 levels and to increase the percentage to 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020. The package will also achieve another objective of the EU, ie a 20% improvement in energy efficiency by the same deadline. The package will be Europe's first region worldwide to implement goals on climate and energy such far-reaching and legally binding. The adoption is an important contribution in view of the United Nations conference on climate change next December, in which it will aim to conclude an ambitious international climate agreement. The climate and energy package is composed of six pieces of legislation that will take effect 20 days after publication in the OJEU, scheduled for next May.

European SME Week: published brochure on good business practices in 33 countries
Brussels, April 28, 2009
The European Commission has published online report, "The secret of success " providing a framework of recommendations and results of entrepreneurs from 33 countries. The document was published on the occasion of the first European SME week, which will take place 6 to 14 May 2009, a campaign to promote entrepreneurship throughout Europe and to inform entrepreneurs about support for them at European, national and local levels. On this occasion, the SMEs will discover a wealth of information, advice, support and ideas that contribute to their activities. The SME Week is coordinated by the Directorate General Enterprise and Industry the European Commission, but most of the events and activities taking place during the week of SMEs, are organized by professional organizations, service providers, regional and local authorities and other participating countries. The SME Week is one of the measures that enable the "Small Business Act, the first comprehensive policy framework for small businesses in the EU and its Member States.
News (in English)


Minister Ronchi spoke to the day of the European Reform
Madrid, April 20, 2009
Minister Ronchi spoke April 20 in Madrid at the "Day on the European Reform" organized by FAES , the Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies chaired by former English Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar.
At the heart of the work, the revision of the objectives of the Lisbon Strategy and the reshaping of European structural funds in light of the global economic crisis. Ronchi was remembered as "the 24 febbraio scorso la Commissione europea ha reso più flessibili le regole per l'uso dei fondi strutturali, allo scopo di consentire agli Stati membri di far fronte alla crisi economica. Si è trattato - ha detto Ronchi - di un segnale importante, di un’apertura alla realtà da parte di istituzioni che spesso si sono dimostrare sorde alle richieste provenienti dai protagonisti dell’economia reale. Oggi, però, bisogna rendere merito all’Europa che ha dimostrato di saper rimodulare i propri imperativi di fronte a una realtà drammaticamente mutata".
Ronchi si è anche detto convinto che sia quanto mai necessario "che l’Europa lavori insieme per evitare che le disparità esistenti tra le varie regioni possano ulteriormente allargarsi. L’Europa non può spezzare il proprio vincolo di solidarietà. Ciò non toglie che, in prospettiva, per reggere all’impatto della concorrenza internazionale una graduale rimodulazione del fondi strutturali e di coesione appare come un passaggio inevitabile. L’Europa della solidarietà - ha concluso, insomma, dovrà sempre più diventare Europa della responsabilità. Ma perseguire davvero la grande impresa dell’integrazione dell’Europa significa ancora ascoltare i bisogni più profondi e immediati della sua popolazione".

Enti Locali e Unione Europea: corso di formazione su “Governo locale e Unione Europea” per giovani amministratori locali
Roma, 23 aprile 2009
Nella convinzione sempre crescente che l'innovazione delle amministrazioni locali passi attraverso il potenziamento delle conoscenze ed il miglioramento delle capacità progettuali dei giovani amministratori degli Enti locali, il PORE prosegue le proprie attività di formazione.
Dopo il successo ottenuto nella precedente edizione 2007- 2008 del corso di formazione su "Governo locale e Unione europea", il PORE ha stipulato il 23 Aprile u.s una convenzione con il D.I.P.E.S . - Dipartimento di Istituzioni pubbliche, Economia e Società - dell'Università degli Studi “Roma Tre” per la realizzazione a new training course which will begin October 15, 2009 and will be issues relating to "Local Government and the European Union." The course, which will be headquartered in Rome at Roma Tre University, will be directed to 150 administrators, under 45, to local authorities across Italy (commissioners and city councilors and provincial).
At the end of the course will receive a certificate of participation.


VII Framework Programme: Tuscan ideas in Europe
Florence, April 17, 2009
Tuscany research will look more fierce in the European race to win i fondi del VII Programma quadro per la ricerca e lo sviluppo tecnologico , che prevede una dotazione finanziaria di oltre 50 miliardi di euro, per il periodo 2007-2013. Una posta decisamente appetibile, ma non facile da conquistare, non solo per la spietata concorrenza ma anche a causa di una diffusa sottovalutazione dei criteri di valutazione e delle modalità procedurali di formulazione delle proposte. Per questi motivi la Regione Toscana ha deciso di sostenere la partecipazione delle Università, degli organismi di ricerca e delle imprese private e pubbliche, assistendoli nella presentazione di proposte il più possibile rispondenti alle caratteristiche e ai requisiti richiesti dai bandi europei per accedere ai finanziamenti. Il support for proposals, is a novelty in national and European level and will enhance the already highly competitive in Tuscany over the European Research Area.

Education and Research: Tuscan approved the first law on universities and research
Florence, April 27, 2009
Coinciding with the ' European Year of Creativity and Innovation , the Tuscany Region adopted the law "provisions in research and innovation." The Research Act, the first regional law on this matter from the 70s, was approved by the regional council. To illustrate, emphasizing the potential in a difficult time like the present, was the President of Tuscany Region, Claudio Martini , along with Alderman and research university which has submitted the proposal on behalf of the junta, Eugenio Baronti . The new law provides an additional tool to Tuscany to emerge stronger from the crisis and face the difficult challenge of innovation in its production. "Measures for Research and Innovation Act is a slim, around 14 articles, intervenes in the system of relations among all protagonists of innovation processes. The objective is to coordinate expertise and resources to create the necessary conditions to attract investment and businesses to locate in Tuscany for research-intensive, technology and environmental quality.

SMEs operating the new guarantee fund
Florence, April 27, 2009
E 'operating the new guarantee fund made available by the Tuscany Region for small and medium-sized companies in Tuscany Industry, trade services and tourism.
Interested companies can apply until May 31. The fund is fed by the remnants of the Structural Funds 2000-2006 and joins other anti-crisis measures undertaken by the Regional Council for meet emergency needs. Available resources amount to € 8 million, but the junta is ready to further increase after an initial review of requests. This is a free fund, which funds access to credit for new investment or to restore liquidity to the investments made in the last three years up to a maximum of 1 million 500 thousand euro. May benefit from the fund companies residing in 123 municipalities that were part of the period 2000-2006 from the Objective 2 areas defined by the European Union.


Sustainable development: a challenge for European research
Brussels, 26-28 May 2009
From 26 to 28 May in Brussels at the Charlemagne building, the conference " Sustainable development - a challange for European research . As part of this event, organized by the European Commission in collaboration with the Presidency of the EU Council czech, and the focus will be analyzed by experts of the sector strategies and actions through which contributes to European Research global sustainable development. The Research Directorate-General the European Commission is in fact trying to bring together scientists, industry, civil society, e responsabili delle politiche riguardanti ricerca e sviluppo (R&S) per avviare un confronto sulle prospettive di contributo che la R&S può dare alla sostenibilità. Questa conferenza costituisce inoltre un’occasione per una riflessione sui progressi fatti nell’ambito del Settimo programma quadro per la Ricerca e il Progresso Tecnologico ( 7°PQ ), giunto ormai a metà della sua implementazione.
Maggiori informazioni (in inglese)

Workshop informativo su Life+ 2009
Roma,29 maggio 2009
Il 29 maggio 2009 la Commissione Europea in collaborazione con Stella Consulting e MWH organizzano a Roma, presso la Sala congressi dell'ISPRA (ex APAT) un workshop informativo sul programma Life+ , lo strumento finanziario per lo sviluppo e l’attuazione della politica e della legislazione comunitarie in materia ambientale. Il 15 maggio verrà infatti pubblicato il nuovo Bando 2009 per il programma Life +: questo workshop fa parte di un ciclo di iniziative organizzate in ogni Stato membro dell’Unione Europea al fine di fornire informazioni agli aspiranti candidati per il finanziamento di progetti. Per iscriversi al workshop è necessario compilare l’ apposito modulo e inoltrarlo al seguente indirizzo: ideventplanning@gmail.com , quanto prima dato che i posti are limited.
More information (in English)

Project Planning: An ongoing challenge - Access and management of programs and European projects
Siena, 6-10 July 2009
From 6 to 10 July 2009 will be held in Siena at The Village of Knowledge course Project Planning: An ongoing challenge, access and management of programs and projects organized by the European European Public Administration (EIPA ) as the first Italian edition of the Summer Academy, sponsored by the Project Planning Representation in Italy and the European Commission Nations Regional Information Centre Unite di Bruxelles. Questo corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che intendano acquisire una professionalità nella gestione dei fondi europei, siano essi fondi strutturali o ad accesso diretto.
Maggiori informazioni (in inglese)


In scadenza

Rete transeuropea di trasporto (TEN – T): Bandi 2009
Il 31 marzo sono stati pubblicati tre bandi per la concessione di sovvenzioni nel campo della Rete Transeuropea di Trasporto (TEN – T) .
Il primo bando concede sovvenzioni a progetti a valere sulle priorità the annual work program. It provides 60 million euro will be made available by the EIB through the instrument of the loan guarantee.
The second contract award grants to projects within the priorities of the multiannual work program and focuses on:
- Motorways of the sea, providing alternatives to congested roads by shifting freight to sea routes: up to EUR 30 million;
- The European Rail Traffic Management System: a maximum of € 240 million
- intelligent road transport systems, using the integration of information technology and communication to promote a more efficient road transport and safe up to 100 million euro.
The third contract provides 500 million euro of TEN-T funds to meet the financial and economic crisis that hit Europe.
Deadline: 15/05/2009
More information (in English)

Civil Protection - Call 2009 for preparation and prevention
The European Commission (DG Environment ) published on OJEU on 11 March 2009 the call for proposals in 2009 designed to support cooperation on preparedness and prevention in the field of civil protection. The invitation includes two separate actions.
Preparation: projects must address one of the following objectives:

- Exchange of information, experiences, best practices and knowledge in order to improve the performance of civil-protection, and awareness;
- Cross-border civil protection relatively direct response to natural disasters and man-made disasters;
- Improving the availability of civil protection modules and other resources.

Prevention: projects must address one of the following objectives:
- Development of policies for disaster prevention knowledge-
- The coherence in the chain risposta-preparazione-prevenzione-recupero.
Il contributo comunitario può coprire fino al 75% dei costi ammissibili. Le risorse finanziarie disponibili ammontano ad € 1.400.000,00 per i progetti di preparazione, e ad € 2.250.000,00 per i progetti di prevenzione. I beneficiari sono persone giuridiche pubbliche o private, quali ad esempio enti del settore pubblico, amministrazioni pubbliche, organizzazioni internazionali, ONG, imprese.
Scadenza: 18/05/2009
Maggiori informazioni (in inglese)


Sostegno a progetti innovativi per la mobilità dei lavoratori nell’UE
Nell’ambito program PROGRESS the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities has issued a call for innovative projects aimed at increasing the geographical mobility of workers and trade within the EU, through the removal of barriers and the improvement of framework within which implements mobility.
The proposed projects will have to make contributions to one or more of the following activities:
development and testing of innovative tools and practices, transfer or mainstreaming tools and successful practices existing in the area of \u200b\u200bmobility, networking, analysis and benchmarking methodologies and results between actors involved in activity and mobility programs at national, regional and local levels.
All projects must have a European added value, contributing to implementation of the European Employment Strategy and the relevant national policies and be able to transfer the results to the employment services at national, regional, local or EURES network.
Project proposals may be submitted by legal persons legally constituted and registered in EU Member States, EFTA / EEA and candidate countries and potential candidates who are currently participating in the program PROGRESS.
The maximum duration of projects is 24 months. The EU contribution will cover Up to 80% of total eligible costs of the project. The contract has a budget total of € 800,000.00.
Deadline: 09/06/2009
More information (in English)

Eco-Innovation: Call 2009
The Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) of the European Commission published in the OJEU of 18/04/2009 a call for proposals for actions in the field of eco- under the Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation . The notice
funding pilot projects and market replication projects sull’eco-innovazione, relativi a prodotti, servizi, processi produttivi o metodi di gestione eco-innovativi finalizzati alla prevenzione o riduzione dell’impatto ambientale e all’ottimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse, secondo un approccio che considera l’intero ciclo di vita.
Le priorità per l’anno 2009 sono le seguenti:
· Riciclaggio dei materiali;
· Edifici;
· Alimenti e bevande;
· Business verdi e acquisti intelligenti.
Le proposte progettuali devono avere come conseguenza benefici ambientali ed economici e devono contribuire all’innovazione. I progetti devono avere una durata massima di 36 mesi.
Possono accedere al finanziamento persone public or private of the 27 EU member states, candidate countries and the countries of the EFTA / EEA.
The EU grant can cover up to 50% of the eligible costs of the project. Available financial resources amounted to EUR 30 million.
Deadline: 10/09/2009
More information (in English)


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