Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Free Russian Bare Vidoes


of Purple Marcasciano
Vice President MIT Bologna

There are many serious and above all the reasons to imagine the pride of 3 July in Rome as a different, totally different from the event that we used to celebrate. There are many reasons to disassociate and feel distant from our pride. Moreover it was foreseeable that in Italy where everything is wrong, the Pride following the same unfortunate trend!
In his organization, the eye jumps dramatically the absence of trans people, both symbolically and physically, yet we have to open their own path of liberation.

stands instead the mere presence of a woman's right to openly trans (Gay Lib) openly against prostitution, against the advice (that of MIT, for example), against all the paths considered by you and other organizers as "antagonists." Sylvia Rivera
I think if ever there was confrontation, something to shout about this person would surely have had it! Ben

other doubts as clouds gather on that pride. Already in an earlier statement, I was able to express doubts and concerns and will again: the posizioni politiche di Imma Battaglia in merito alla qualità della vita di gay e lesbiche in Italia (lei sostiene che stanno in gran forma); l’organizzazione affidata a uno psicologo (il nostro percorso di visibilità nasce proprio dalla contestazione di un loro convegno nel 1972); attacchi aggressivi e violenti che sfiorano la rissa, con l’immancabile rigiro della frittata per porsi come le vittime, copione oramai consolidato di tutte le neo destre emergenti (ricordate la favola del lupo e dell’agnello?); le loro aperture alle destre più o meno estreme e la condanna metodica e continua del laboratorio antagonista; la commistione grossolana tra eventi commerciali e politici, tra profitto e rivendicazione (di questo parleremo better event occurred).

If mathematics, not to mention the story, not misleading, and two plus two equals four, the organization of this pride is the most distant and antithetical to a path of liberation, and the Pride, that even if the 'English is not misleading should mean pride. For all those (and there are many, many) whose path is traced by the release is not difficult to glimpse in the roman a dangerous change of direction, a slide towards the abyss, no matter what the chanting voices that call for unity. You do not create confusion on the units, nor on the negation of a journey, I am referring to what he brings to Stonewall us since the attacks concerted and indiscriminate attacks on the world of associations.

For some 'me time continues to say, at the risk of boredom, that we need to take back and give a construction of meaning, our sense, essential for creating our history, take ownership.
Operation not easy, it has never been in a sexist world ... veteropatriarcale! But a movement that wants to be serious and mature and defined as such, should take this responsibility, has the obligation to give himself or at least look that way to others and others have just given to us.

addition to the all too obvious comparison of continuous and constant, the base of our building should be the conscience, other word passed into disuse, as famous as the banal "who we are, where we come from and .... where we're going to go" cross a time when the train of thought, namely the construction of meaning, it is tangled, broke, confused. A world in which everyone is talking about-this is an illusion-but it becomes increasingly difficult to speak, speak, understand and be understood. Operation skillfully manipulated by specific strategies that one day, hopefully not far away, turns out to be the weapon, in my opinion, not too right-wing secret: the more you move the less you understand!

The narrative, like ours, is fundamental to our experience! In it there scritto dove nasce la negazione e dove la nostra visibilità, dove si genera violenza e dove liberazione, dove si genera esclusione e dove diritto! In quella narrazione, che non è personale ma collettiva e riguarda trans, gay, lesbiche, donne, immigrati, esclusi di ogni specie, è stampato il mio j’accuse al neo pride romano: state facendo una brutta cosa! Il 28 Giugno 1969 accadde qualcosa che è corpo e sostanza del movimento di liberazione GLTQ, è la sua narrazione…non quella che si cerca di manipolare! Così facendo si snatura il Pride si svilisce, si elimina il suo spirito, di questo purtroppo ci si rende conto sempre dopo.

Sabato scorso ho partecipato al Sicilia Pride di Palermo ed è stato veramente favoloso, come in contemporanea quello di Torino (non dimentichiamo la formula del suo successo), come quello del 12 a Milano... In the spirit of Stonewall!
Ed è in questo stesso spirito di sostanza e di liberazione che si terrà il Pride nazionale di quest’anno a Napoli, sabato prossimo 26 giugno.

Non datemi dell’antagonista, ma è il minimo che ci possa sussurrare la nostra coscienza!


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