Thursday, April 1, 2010

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Europe 2020: the new economic strategy of the European Union
On March 26, 2010, under the English presidency of the European Council reached agreement on key elements of Europe 2020, the new strategy proposed by the European Commission with the objective to accompany the release of financial crisis and the challenges of the next decade such as globalization, climate change and population aging.
Communication Europe 2020 - A strategy for smart growth, sustainable and inclusive, filed on March 3 last year by the European Commission, represents the evolution of the Lisbon Strategy, launched in 2000, has failed in implementing its main goals . The three priorities that have been identified for the next decade are:

smart growth: building an economy based on knowledge and innovation;
sustainable growth: promoting a more efficient resource, greener and more competitive
inclusive growth: promoting an economy with a high rate of employment conducive to social and territorial cohesion.

EU 2020, which turns on its hinges innovation, growth and employment, has five priority objectives to be pursued over the next ten years to reach an employment rate of at least 75% of the population including between 20 and 64 years, make up from 1, 9 to 3% of GDP investment in research and development, sustainable growth through a restructuring of the economy e lo sviluppo della “green economy”, raggiungendo i traguardi 20/20/20 in materia di clima ed energia posti nel 2008; fare scendere sotto il 10% la quota di giovani che abbandonano la scuola e fare salire al 40% almeno la quota dei laureati; strappare 20 milioni di persone al rischio povertà, anche mediante un sostegno mirato dei fondi strutturali, in particolare del FSE, e agendo contemporaneamente sia sul fronte formazione e occupazione sia su quello della protezione sociale, nonché attuando misure specifiche dirette alle categorie particolarmente a rischio quali disabili e minoranze.

Seguendo le raccomandazioni della Commissione gli obiettivi generali saranno tradotti e suddivisi in obiettivi nazionali differentiated. The Commission will contribute to the debate on national targets, leaving the final word to the individual member states, which will prepare the so-called National Reform Programmes "which will set out the detailed actions that governments will undertake to implement the new strategy. It is precisely in the consideration of the differences between countries lies the big difference with the strategy of the Lisbon agenda. Each member state must, in fact, submit each year its program which targets it intends to achieve compliance with the benchmarks. Following the EU will consider the efforts made by individual countries are sufficient or not, a mechanism already adopted in the economic field with regard to public finances, where states must report annually to the stability program.

If the States 'virtuous' will be rewarded with incentives and benefits in accessing European funds, those in default will be the subject of recommendations by the EU, which will be followed by 'warning policy', that is true and their alarms by the Commission. However, there are no penalties for non-compliant states.
The latter in particular has drawn criticism from those who say that once again has been proposed a model of governing the economy weakened and mostly reduced to the management mechanisms of the traditional dialectic between the EU institutions and member governments, however, often proven to be ineffective. In this sense, the European Union, even following the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty confirms that the practice of unanimity in the strategic sectors of defense and economic policy, risk losing the propellant charge that has characterized the last decades in favor a reaffirmation of the power of member states.
Waiting for the next summit in June, which will be presented national goals and defined the details of the overall strategy, we can see how the goals identified in the Commission's proposed strategy are clear and easily measurable, however, they do not appear easy to achieve. The European Union is still crossed by many divisions, evidenziatesi especially in the last period with regard to the crisis in Greece, and many member states still seem to have the tools and resources needed to achieve these objectives.


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