Monday, March 31, 2008

Biffy Clyro Piano Sheet Music Free

Assemblea cittadina

Due to minor technical problems we were forced to postpone a final, the Town meeting on the prevention of accidents at work per day Tuesday, April 8.
We will keep you updated with flyers, press releases and publicity initiatives of the event.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

How To Be Like Dahvie Vanity

assemblea cittadina del 4 aprile

to all citizens, the student world, the world's youth to work, workers in the world, the world of entrepreneurs, professionals to anyone who feels called into question.
You are invited to participate April 4 at the social center of town meeting in Potenza Malvaccaro that we students are organizing a meeting where we will touch an uncomfortable topic, a topic that few have dared to treat, and so many are just filled their mouths with fake moralism. On April 4,''will talk about prevention of accidents at work.''
The day's program that we are organizing, in fact, to April 4 is divided into two parts:
The first part will begin at 19:00 and consist of a debate where he will participate in the Chief Engineer ISPE (Domenico Mannelli) Secretary General of the CGIL (Antonio Pepe), the President of the Association of Power Engineers (Michele Lapenna), Commander of Vigli Urban Power and a representative of the Confederation of Basilicata;
The second part will take place at the end of the debate (presumably for 20:30) and will consist of a screening of the film:''The place in the soul.''
Additionally, both during the debate when the film will be gathered funds for the families of workers who are victims of workplace accidents.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lip Discoloration On Dogs

Riunione CdRS

will meet on Tuesday CDRS power via Messina 1ALL 18.30 to continue the organization of the day April 4. Everyone is invited to attend.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Card For Death Anniversary


After the success of the event on 20 February, the CDRS continues in its attempt to awaken the citizen activism by proposing agli studenti una tematica importante che , in questo periodo più che mai, tocca la realtà Italiana.
Il 4 Aprile stiamo organizzando un'assemblea cittadina rivolta in particolare agli studenti per discutere delle morti sul lavoro e della realtà Lucana con ospiti e relatori che ci illustreranno le varie realtà e i vari punti di vista.
Durante il dibattito avrà luogo una raccolta fondi per le famiglie degli operai defunti nell'immane tragedia delle acciaierie di Torino.
Gli studenti continuano a dimostrare di essere attenti alle problematiche sociali, più di tanti altri e insieme dimostrano di avere senso civico e coerenza morale.