Monday, February 25, 2008

Kates Playground In Pool

Riunione del Coordinamento

Mercoledì 27/02/08 meets at 1 Via Messina at 18.30 the CDRS power to continue to inspire the student world of the city after the great success of the event, 20.
You are all invited to participate by contributing ideas and proposals.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ovulation Discharge..looks


Many newspapers and local television stations have given to our event space (RAI 3, the new TV, the new South, the daily, La Gazzetta di Basilicata) and allowed us to provide maximum information to the entire population Lucana ...
I enclose here the article that was on''Today''the newspaper (I can not attach other items''because''the newspaper is the only local newspaper that transmits il formato pdf di tutte le sue pubblicazioni su internet)

Moves To South Park Prelude To Tokugawa Game


Nella battaglia che abbiamo iniziato proprio ieri verso la difesa del territorio Lucano evidenziamo già i primi successi che non possono fare altro che invogliarci ad andare avanti nella nostra lotta mettendo come caposaldo della discussione la volontà di noi studenti di preservare il nostro avvenire...

CLICCANDO QUI potete scaricare la diretta radio della manifestazione

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sample Soft Serve Ice Cream Recipe

La resa dei conti...

Anche(soprattutto) da questa manifestazione gli studenti escono a testa alta e fieri del loro ideale immortale che anche oggi li ha uniti nelle strade della nostra città e li ha resi fieri di dire ad alta voce che la nostra Lucania non si tocca!
Vi aggiorneremo nei prossimi giorni con foto, articoli, interviste e novità

Monday, February 18, 2008

Average Boobs Size Country

volantino nuovo

ecco il volantino congiunto tra comitato no-oil e cdrs

Friday, February 15, 2008

Why Do I Have Pimples On My Stomach


Questo è l'itinerario ufficiale della Manifestazione

PARTENZA: P.zzale Istria
Via Ciccotti
Via di Giura
Via Anzio
ARRIVO: Regione

per qualsiasi informazione contact the following email address:

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bachelorette Goody Bag Ideas Blog

Presentazione logo CdRS

This is the logo of the CDRs Power, created by Gianrocco Schiavo.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Funny Congratulations On Your Baby Message


Friday, February 15th at 15:30 via Messina met at a student representatives of the Coordination of Power to develop the latest changes to the day of 20 February.
The meeting is open to all students who intend to help the coordination to organize the event.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Where Ca I Read Bleach Online


Monday, February 11, 2008

Gay Cruising Losangeles


Today representatives are part of the Coordination have met, very kind, The newspaper journalist''who''has investigated and searched the grounds and reasons of our protests.
Tomorrow, if it is published, we will update the blog with the above article

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Acute Primary Hiv Symptoms Disappear In


This is the article that Michael Somma, coordinator of the No-Oil Power Committee wrote to encourage the coordination and the student world, to continue our battles (and common) and not to give up and never kneel down to a system too corrupt and often moralistic. Miko
We can only thank you for your support and your words.

Meeting with students during this journey together to the committee no oil or our power Banquet for the collection of signatures in support of our petition is undeniable that the first time I asked is - but who are also students? - This category sometimes visible, often invisible, living in limbo without any identity that the school has been flattened by too many years of neglect and abandonment before, and the socio-evolutionary follies after some right-thinking minister / malpensante that the cry of the Internet, English, business believed to reduce the school system to market low-priced rentals in the brain. I also
probably unwitting victim of some empty stereotypes drawn from the table to profiler media that modern society by so anxious and anxiety all machines to reduce consumption of uncritical and psychiatric therapy vacuum to miss, and the very young people would like them all mariadefilippizzati, x-encased, socially confused, depressed, mortally bored, victims / perpetrators of bullying that is thought-pack - and not even we were in Alaska's white fang! - Probably some weird idea I had to immediately go away.
what I was before the latest mica were discovered species of zoology - indeed! - Their appearance brought me straight back to my student years ... other times, too violent breaking of the 70 in the lapping of weak thought of the 80s ... well, they would stop my knowledge direct student of the world ... then you end up becoming big, cynical ... but maybe those students just like me so much.
So, immediately abandoned any preconceived idiot, knowing and sharing with them the fight against the oil well and placed inside the house against all the oil wells, arranged in a vicious system of plunder of the earth, and the future of democracy, I saw only young human beings with their ideas of social justice and their dreams of a different world, with their fears of not making it to hold its own against a company which of course makes all inadequate, with their hopes that tomorrow is still tomorrow and you start to build their own today, with their uncertainties and wonderfully clear eyes of those who have not yet broken and perhaps never will.
This I thought while I was with their coordination in a garage that was romantic and genuine, to speak of the event on February 20 against the shaft of big mountain, which were given to them to decide their own ... they let me talk and listen with frankness with which we spoke with a friend maybe more so for ages, but a friend, like, well, no awe by them and - I swear! - No learner attitude on my part ... those were no longer students, they were no longer boys, but young human beings struggling with the construction more of a future for themselves ... which began trials of its civil society ... that civil society made up of shared rights and duties of a pilgrim community, laws and equal opportunities for all and for all, to care for the environment as a part of ourselves, of solidarity and of those questions that one needs to find a good answer for themselves and for the entire community of human beings, those questions, sometimes profound, sometimes reading, but that each of us can not answer "is right and it should be ... that's why lot!"
And that is what I think we are all together Feb. 20 to demand the respect for our land and for our lives that some would have locked in a barrel of oil traded for pennies, those royalties that recall the glass beads with which the islanders remained tame outside of "civilization."
In that garage there were and still are my traveling companions and tomorrow we will all be on the streets of a city power, which is small and great, great and small as is the whole world, because I know that they know we all know that another world is possible and another world is necessary. Miko
Sum "

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How To Refinance A House With Negative Equity


The CDRS Power strongly supports the ILO's Committee-No power in its battle against rampant drilling (in particular quella prevista a Monte Grosso ) ed ogni altra forma di abuso e di sfruttamento del territorio lucano.
Questa è una sola delle tante motivazioni per le quali noi del Coordinamento Studentesco non possiamo far altro che appoggiare pienamente il Comitato No-Oil in ogni sua iniziative di incontro e di protesta. Queste parole voglione essere un monito per l'Amministrazione Regionale e per far capire loro che se ce ne sarà bisogno gli studenti e le studentesse non esiteranno ad andare oltra la "singola" giornata del 20 Febbraio bensì continuare con manifestazioni e azioni di protesta fino al raggiunigimento del nostro obiettivo.

Per la Lucania e per i Lucani, gli Studenti si sono risvegliati.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Wwe Real Scale Ring Buy

Il comunicato stampa che invieremo a ''il quotidiano'' e a ''la nuova basilicata''

PURPOSE: Manifestation of the day Wednesday, February 20

Student Representatives belonging to the coordination communicate that, on February 20, 2008, has opened a student demonstration to defend the territory and the environment LUCANO.

The main points are:
degradation that contaminates THE FUTURE OF OUR REGION IS TO

These are just some of the causes which impel us to claim our right and duty to the criticism, that criticism with a focus on preserving e migliorare le caratteristiche del nostro territorio.
L'Attivismo Studentesco si risveglia , eclissando momentaneamente i problemi (pur sempre numerosi) legati al mondo della Scuola e mirando a tematiche di più ampio respiro, tra le quali la questione ambientale che interessa non solo la nostra, ma tutte le categorie sociali.
Speriamo in questo modo di risvegliare non solo un senso di appartenenza a chi sembra averlo ormai smarrito, ma sopratutto risanare quel senso civico che, a prescindere dalle ideologie, tutti dobbiamo perseguire.
Chiediamo dunque che, il giorno della manifestazione, le autorità rispondano alle nostre domande mettendo da parte il diffusissimo ''politichese''e parlando con parole chiare e da tradurre in azioni concrete.

Il CdRS Potenza

Victoria Secret Shower Curtain


Tex Tan Saddle Collection


Ai soli Rappresentanti Studenteschi
Oggi alle ore 15:30 si riunisce il coordinamento presso via messina 1 per discutere della questione:''MANIFESTAZIONE 20 FEBBRAIO''.
La presente vale come convocazione.